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<pap1723> Hey Raidernick
<acc> Pap1723: so, what's wrong about using the old unlocking way trough tech nodes?
<pap1723> acc, the TECHLIMIT file that is included in RP-0 is no longer used or supported with SSTU, so the unlocks are in the VERY wrong nodes
<pap1723> basically using PARTUPGRADES means that each size upgrade needs to be modified as a separate part
<acc> but when you remove the partupgrade stuff it should work the old way, using the tech nodes
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<pap1723> No, from what Shadowmage told me (the creator of SSTU) TECHLIMIT doesn't even work in the code anymore
<acc> or am I wrong? that's how I understand it
<acc> ah, ok
<acc> so we have to set all the part upgrades for each part
<acc> right?
<pap1723> correct
<pap1723> and we then need to set the sizes in CFG files as well
<pap1723> basically the UPGRADE nodes need to be configured with the correct diameter sizes that we want to support
<acc> ok, good
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<acc> uh, havn't used git for a long time, need to get used to it again
<pap1723> acc, it has a finesse all its own
<acc> heh yeah
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<pap1723> Hi Probus o/
<acc> so how's workflow? fork, clone, edit and merge back?
<acc> stratochief <poke> :D
<Starwaster> how do you leave a message for someone afk? I forget
<pap1723> !tell Starwaster
<Qboid> Pap1723: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
<acc> !tell Starwaster I don't know
<Qboid> acc: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<pap1723> !tell Starwaster this is how
<Qboid> Pap1723: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Starwaster> !tell starwaster you're a moron!
<Qboid> Starwaster: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Qboid> Starwaster: Pap1723 left a message for you in #RO [02.05.2017 01:20:03]: "this is how"
<Qboid> Starwaster: Starwaster left a message for you in #RO [02.05.2017 01:20:08]: "you're a moron!"
<Qboid> Starwaster: acc left a message for you in #RO [02.05.2017 01:20:03]: "I don't know"
<Starwaster> WHAT??? WHAT DID YOU CALL ME???
<acc> heh :D
<pap1723> That wen't splendidly
<Starwaster> did you see what I just said to me? What an ass that Starwaster is :(
<acc> rude, how dare
<acc> so, anyone can tell me the workflow now?
<Starwaster> !tell NathanKell do you remember the last time Procedural Parts had problems updating their drag cubes? What was the cause and what was the solution? It's happening again
<Qboid> Starwaster: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<acc> fork, clone, edit, merge back?
<Starwaster> the workflow is that you send me lots of money so I can buy coffee and ice cream
<acc> alle the coffee is mine!
<acc> s/alle/all/
<pap1723> acc, from what it seems, we fork, clone and then pull request the changes and they get agreed upon by the Kollective
<Qboid> acc meant to say: all the coffee is mine!
<acc> ah, ok, that's fine. thanks
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<taniwha> Starwaster: nothing in git log?
<taniwha> (mine you, the way most people write git commits, it wouldn't surprise me if there was nothing)
<taniwha> "fix stuff" :P
<taniwha> or worse
<Starwaster> not tht I see, but it could be a few pages back
<Starwaster> Ill look again
<taniwha> e3a051d perhaps?
<Starwaster> ohhh the change look talks about it
<Starwaster> log
<Starwaster> the original bug happened when it was a root part?
<taniwha> btw, git show e3a051d (eg) is quite handy
<taniwha> shows log message and diff
<Starwaster> oh you're in the console
<Starwaster> I try to avoid going there
<acc> shell <3
<taniwha> masochist :)
<taniwha> (seriously, git is a console tool)
<Starwaster> that used to be me long ago but I've grown GUI dependent
<acc> spoiled heh
<taniwha> still, should be similar in your gui tool
<taniwha> (if not, defenestrate it)
<Starwaster> that gives me a starting point... also I have to see if this only happens when it's a root part. Because I NOTICED it in a craft where the tank was root part
<taniwha> also, I've been known to use gitk and git gui
<Starwaster> btw the problem I'm seeing is that the tank surface is too small. There's code designed to catch that and recalculate it but as the smallest possible shape as far as surface area goes (a sphere)
<taniwha> (git gui just yesterday:)
* Agathorn still prefers real fairings to procedural ones
* xShadowx prefers proc ones
* xShadowx just not stock ones
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<acc> how does that part upgrade stuff work?
<acc> I don't get when something gets unlocked
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<pap1723> acc, in a separate file, there is a node called PARTUPGRADE that is the icon and tech it unlocks in
<pap1723> I'll try to find it
<stratochief> acc: I searched for the name of one of the parts listed as an upgrade part (SSTU-MFT-D1) in the Github 'search' window, you'll see it shows up again SSTULabs/GameData/SSTU/Parts/Upgrades/UpgradeParts-MFT.cfg
<stratochief> one day they will make it so pages on Github found through a search aren't on a crazy 'Tree'. one day.
<pap1723> so acc the MM config would look something like this:
<pap1723> { techRequired = xxx
<pap1723> entryCost = xxx }
<pap1723> acc, the link that you shared, the UPGRADE nodes in there are the ones that need to be modified in order to set the proper diameters
<pap1723> @UPGRADE[SSTU-MFT-D1] {
<pap1723> maxTankDiameter = 5.0 }
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<acc> stratochief: ah, I see. thanks
<acc> Pap1723: yeah, I know. I just try to get a better understanding how PARTUPGRADE works in general
<pap1723> ah, i gotcha, there isn't really much to them, I was surprised when I found that out
<regex> Do I have to use Perl or some shit for RP-0?
<pap1723> yes regex
<pap1723> I have a Tree.cfg if you want one though
<regex> A new, different one?
<regex> is SSTU supported by RP-0? Or that new russian pack?
<pap1723> It is one I posted a couple weeks ago, no new updates to the Tree.YML since then though
<pap1723> Some of SSTU is, don't know about the Russian pack
<regex> hrm...
<regex> Does the new tree have pretty much everything?
<acc> regex: yeah, you need to run a script to generate the tree.cfg
<acc> and SSTU is partly supported yet
<regex> I'm installing Perl as we speak
<acc> I did that a few days ago heh
<regex> fuck you Windows. god I hate that command line...
<acc> yep, reboot needed
<acc> and SSTU has issues with the diameter limits of the 3 main tanks
<regex> Nah, it's that I command line on Linux all day and then I get to Windows, which I rarely use, and none of the commands are the same
<regex> with SSTU I'm just worried about the engines.
<acc> yeah, same here. and I work most time on win, but using putty to linux servers :D
<pap1723> regex, I think almost all the engines are placed and covered in RP-0
<regex> Where's this new tree Pap1723?
<regex> cool, sounds good!
<pap1723> I'm not done with it yet regex
<regex> Oh, gotcha, okay.
<acc> SSTU engines seems fine so far. I'm testing atm
<pap1723> The SSTU RD-180 is not included in RP-0 yet, but that one was just released
<regex> good to know. I'm going to do an American playthrough, I think.
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<stratochief> apply ice directly to the burn at ULA :P
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<blowfish> ULA doesn't have another launch until August, that seems really odd to me
<acc> oopsi, pilot just passed out at the end of first stage :3
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<blowfish> between now and then SpaceX is aiming for 9ish launches, of course that probably won't happen but wow
<pap1723> Can someone link me to the burn
<regex> No idea where to start from...
<regex> Maybe do all launches from Wallops?
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<acc> regex: japan? :D
<regex> Alternate history, kind of appropriate in a time of alternate facts.
<regex> Nah, Wallops.
<regex> I'm into northern launch sites.
<acc> heh true. yeah, wallops is fine
<acc> I'm launching from the cape atm, but my soyuz will launch from russia
<acc> kasachstan or how it's pronounced
<acc> and later on some araine-like stuff from french guyana
<acc> ariane
<acc> but yeah, just did first crewed orbit one minute ago
<regex> acc do all the facilities share upgrades now?
<acc> share?
<regex> like, if I spend all my KCT upgrades at KSC do the work at Svobodny too?
<regex> curious because I saw a new option in KCT
<acc> ah. duno, havn't changed launchsite yet
<regex> Cool
<acc> yep, they share upgrades
<acc> but wallops is womewhat underground heh
<acc> somewhat
<regex> lol
<leudaimon> as you are mentioning different launch sites... do you know if for medium inclination launches (e. g. moon plane) a KSC-like latitude is more efficient than an equatorial site?
<acc> should be
<acc> yes
<leudaimon> interesting, I always wonder if the difference in rotation speed supersedes the inclination change
<leudaimon> I usually use an equatorial site just because it is so much more flexible (and because I like to make a Brazilian Space Program). Even tough for polar orbits I noticed the inneficiency, I always thought these medium inclination launches were fine
<Starwaster> taniwha I think I know what the problem is... apparently Procedural Parts has to re-render its drag cubes on the second frame when being loaded (can't do it on the first frame or Flight Integrator resets them). By that time, Real Fuels has already calculated tank area
<Starwaster> listening for collider change event and recalculate tank area...
<acc> leudaimon: I like the challenge :)
<acc> doing a doleg and hitting the target inc just right is a good feeling
<acc> dogleg
<leudaimon> acc, the challenge for me was to set up a new launch site into the game to have a Brazilian launch center... I'm considering adding another launch site in Patagonia for polar orbits in my next playthrough
<acc> ah, ok
<leudaimon> getting inclinations right without doglegs is challenge enough for me
<acc> but it's cheaper in dV than doing it in orbit
<acc> the faster you travel, the more energy you need to change direction
<acc> my fancy first crewed orbiter
<leudaimon> cool!
<leudaimon> Why do you use so many engines for the retro burn?
<leudaimon> about the inclination change, that's why I launch from an equatorial site, you can launch directly into the correct inclination
<acc> it does also final orbit injection
<acc> so the second stage burns up
<leudaimon> ah ok
<leudaimon> is it the 1kN thruster?
<acc> yep
<acc> 9 of them
<leudaimon> cool
<leudaimon> are these solar panels enough to sustain the craft, or they are there just for looks? I had the impression the mercury capsule was quite demanding
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<acc> nah, not enough, but decreasing usage a bit
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<TwistedMinds> Starwaster, would that be why I get EXC spam in my log about FAR & Procedural Part, mostly when I reenter atmosphere?
<acc> damn, underestimated EC usage, not enough to do the 24h in orbit record
<Starwaster> I'd have to see the log
<TwistedMinds> the log I currently have is quite long since it's from my last session, I'll do a quick run to pinpoint the issue and report it on PP's thread or github if it's needed
<Starwaster> repoort it in the thread plz
<TwistedMinds> Already running a test run :)
<Starwaster> ugh looks like I was wrong... it's that damned Procedural Parts root bug again. regression
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<TwistedMinds> aaannnd of course my run doesn't show anything, haha. Welp
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<acc> HEH
<acc> ops
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* acc tests a soyuz launch vehicle <3
<acc> IT's VERY LOUD
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<taniwha> stratosleep: (for when you wake)
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<Sigma88> does anyone have the stock file with science defs?
<Pap1723> Sigma88, the original that shipped with stock?
<Sigma88> yes
<Sigma88> I thought there was an online version, but I can't find it
<Pap1723> One sec
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<Sigma88> thanks Pap1723
<Pap1723> np
<Pap1723> Sigma88, while you are here, I have a question for you...
<Pap1723> Is there any advantage of creating HalfRSS like I did with writing my own configs, or is Sigma Dimensions really the best option?
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<Sigma88> the advantage in doing it yourself is that you learn how planets work
<Sigma88> which is why I made SD in the first place
<Sigma88> as far as I know there is no real downside in using SD
<Sigma88> on the contrary, SD offers some features that you cannot achieve by manually editing the cfgs
<Sigma88> however it's nothing major
<Pap1723> What are those? Or should I look at the forum post to see?
<Sigma88> an example is PQSCity
<Sigma88> (buildings)
<Sigma88> they cannot be moved with kopernicus
<Sigma88> SD puts them at the correct altitude
<Sigma88> and you can also resize the buildings to match the scale of the planet
<Sigma88> :D
<Pap1723> Thanks Sigma88
<Sigma88> of course I might be biased towards SD
<Sigma88> but I honestly think it's the best option
<Pap1723> I created Quarter Sized RSS as well and going forward, I am wondering if I should just use SD to manage them as then I can just push all my changes at one time and they will basically fix themselves
<Pap1723> Especially now since I don't play either of them and instead use RO, lol
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<JeeF> I've read about SD and I must say I'm intrigued. I really want to try making Earth 10x bigger than it already is in RSS and see if I can get to orbit with, ofc, proportional atmosphere and gravity
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<JeeF> Would be a colossal rocket... dv to orbit would be what, 50k?
<JeeF> no... 6 digits actually
<JeeF> jeez
<riocrokite> orbital speed would be gianormous
<JeeF> I must try
<JeeF> why do we play KSP if not for the next challenge? XD
<UmbralRaptor> !wa sqrt(9.81*6.4e7)
<Qboid> UmbralRaptor: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 5, position 1.
<JeeF> maybe 25 sea dragon first stage engines for the first stage would be a good start, =P
<UmbralRaptor> ~25 km/s ignoring losses.
<JeeF> u sure?
<UmbralRaptor> Earth-like surface gravity would be weirdly low, as 10x the diameter gets you near Jupiter in size. >_>
<JeeF> nonono, 10x the gravity and 10x the atmosphere height
<JeeF> well... maybe not 10x. I don't want to do math now but I have a feeling that 10x increase in planet size doesn't really equate to 10x gravity to be proportional
<UmbralRaptor> At constant density, I want to say that surface gravity scales linearly with radius.
<JeeF> assuming you keep the same density of planet and atmosphere, wouldn't the gravity also scale to around 10x?
<JeeF> yeah
<UmbralRaptor> I interpreted the question as being like those Kerbin rescales (same surface gravity, different radius)
<JeeF> I'm not 100% sure on that... but should be somewhat 10x
<JeeF> So, with 10x the radius, atmosphere and gravity, dv required to orbit would be 6-digit
<JeeF> But damn... can't wait to get home and try XD
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<UmbralRaptor> Incidentally, the higher gravity reduces the scale height.
<Probus> \o
<Probus> I noticed during the entry burn of the falcon 9, all 9 engines start up for about 3 seconds, then it switches to 3 engines. Very curious.
<UmbralRaptor> So, uh, with 98.1 N/kg at the surface and 6.4e7 m radius, you're looking at just under 80 km/s.
<JeeF> dv or orbital speed?
<UmbralRaptor> Orbital speed.
<JeeF> so, with the losses...
<JeeF> very close to 6-digit dv
<JeeF> That means... a billion tons rocket to put 1kg into orbit, lmao
<JeeF> good luck convincing the citizens we need to increase the taxes to get that done
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<stratosleep> taniwha: neat! I still need to try out the mod so I can imagine what might be possible with that new label tool. like, a scientist with a different tier of geology survey kit could be able to do individual or combined mineral surveys, and those labels could list what concentration of what was found on that spot?
<stratosleep> Probus: every time, 9 engines then 3? or just on the most recent one?
<UmbralRaptor> Just build an Orion.
stratosleep is now known as stratochief
<stratochief> UmbralRaptor: which kind? nuclear surface launch?
<UmbralRaptor> stratochief: Obviously. (At the world that JeeF is sketching out)
<UmbralRaptor> "We aren’t even sure exactly where the centre of that dot lies on the disk: our highest sounding rocket, the Nova-Orion block two, can barely rise two degrees above the plane of the disk before crashing back again."
<stratochief> that makes me think of a great sci-fi book about life on a neutron star
<UmbralRaptor> Dragon's Egg was fun.
<stratochief> I like the idea of intelligence developing that operating at different speeds (as in, their ability to think/be concious) than us. is there a term in Drake's equation for that?
<UmbralRaptor> Not really.
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<UmbralRaptor> Closest is the lifetime of the civilization.
<stratochief> spurious blips of signal we see from the stars could be very quick civilizations coming to fruition, then dying off. we might discover slower civilizations that have been cavemen for half a billion years (on a planet with very stable climate)
<stratochief> hell, we could be nearly the slowest or fastest civilzation that exists, nothing says that we are anywhere near the average on any metric
<schnobs> Well, I guess basic chemistry of the environment sets a lower boundary.
<schnobs> You have to live faster than you decompose, after all.
<schnobs> Though at least has to keep up with the overall speed.
<schnobs> *Thought*
<stratochief> sure, you have to 'live' faster than that, but knowledge could be gathered or shared slower or faster than we do. basic chemistry can be extremely slow, we use various evolved enzymes (which evolved from various evolved enzymes, etc.) to speed desirable chemistry to our speed
<UmbralRaptor> Also temperature.
<stratochief> also, interesting things like high gravity, dense atmosphere, metal poor crust could set back a civilization from technology or space travel something fierce. or, atmosphere (nebula, etc.) that blocks a view of the stars and universe
<UmbralRaptor> I've heard an argument that there's no life on Titan because if you try to do an order of magnitude estimate of chemical reaction rates, it's like Earth after maybe 100 million years.
<schnobs> cue "Starfall"
<UmbralRaptor> *Titan after 4.5 billion years.
<UmbralRaptor> Yeah, resources to expand (hi, guns germs and steel).
<schnobs> UmbralRaptor: may well work out. The rule of thumb I seem to recall was like every 10°C double the reaction speed..
<UmbralRaptor> And an easy to escape planet might lose its atmo faster.
<stratochief> UmbralRaptor: cue Mars space program, a billion years ago
<UmbralRaptor> hah
stratochief is now known as stratochief|away
<schnobs> stratochief: the point is, that there would be no life without enzymes. Even the very early proto-life had to outrun it's environment. Prbably not much in the way of catalysts, but enough to get a head start over the lifeless surroundings.
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<TwistedMinds> another noob question. Is there a reason why toggling crossfeed on a decoupler(or interchange) works, but doesn't change the text? (it stays at Crossfeed: Disabled, but do toggle it)
<stratochief|away> TwistedMinds: interesting catch. is anybody else in game who can confirm if that is the case for them?
<HypergolicSkunk> starting up the game now
<stratochief|away> TwistedMinds: could be a bad default for the "enableText = Enable Cross Feed" setting.
<TwistedMinds> to be honest, I'm *pretty* sure it was working yesterday and I haven't changed anything... restarting the game didn't fix it though
<stratochief|away> TwistedMinds: so, this patch is what addes that ability to decouplers.
<stratochief|away> and I see other mods/parts that also have optiona bits that set enable and disable text; you could try adding those lines to the decoupler patch (previous link) and see what happens?
<regex> Anybody have any issues with the KSC buildings becoming unresponsive and the buttons gone missing after a crashed launch?
<TwistedMinds> weird, if I leave the VAB while the rocket is built and the crossfeed is enabled, the text changes when I go back into the VAB. But unloading and reloading the rocket reset the text to crossfeed: disabled.. hmm
<Pap1723> regex, That is a new one, I get the buildings underwater or the screen dark and black, but with the icons available to enter them on the left
<TwistedMinds> stratochief|away, I'll test in a minute or two :)
<HypergolicSkunk> text change works for me
<regex> okay cool, I'll try again tonight and watch the logs.
<regex> I rage quit after that, doesn't take much for me these days
<Pap1723> May I ask a question that will likely get me shunned....
<rsparkyc> go for it
<Pap1723> Why IRC? I know it was the best option when RO was started, but why not migrate to a nicer Discord?
<TwistedMinds> Pap1723, building underwater happens quite often (lots of complaints in the scatterer's thread), going into the tracking station usually fix it
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<CobaltWolf> o/
<regex> Discord? They lost me at "Rock a dope-ass hoodie"
<regex> I'm too old for that shit
<stratochief|away> Pap1723: because whatever exists is easiest, and this exists. people come here, they talk, they have it installed/set up. feel free to setup a discord server and see if anyone follows, but I for one know I'm lazy, and would rather keep using what already exists and works well enough for me
<stratochief|away> \o CobaltWolf
<stratochief|away> I saw some pics of the new textures, very pretty. you're very good at asset creation :)
<CobaltWolf> < just came from his Discord to say hi :P
<regex> haha
<Pap1723> CobaltWolf, sucks
* stratochief|away shakes fist at whipper snappers
<TwistedMinds> regex: what about a llama's ass? ;)
<regex> Dude, still my favorite mp3 player.
* stratochief|away is listening to music through Winamp as we speak
<CobaltWolf> @stratochief|away thanks! The foil is being a pain but I think I'm closing in on the right one
<regex> all this file ranking and stupid playlist BS can shove it, gimme a file list, drag and drop
<HypergolicSkunk> regex: how old are you? ;)
<regex> 41
<HypergolicSkunk> ow
<HypergolicSkunk> and I thought I was old
<stratochief|away> CobaltWolf: yeah, that normal map business or whatever you used to make the foil appear more complex/textured looks nice
<CobaltWolf> @stratochief|away the breakthrough was finding an actual heightmap for crinkled foil
<CobaltWolf> I've never found one before but it suddenly made everything right. Foil is something that you can't just drop the diffuse into the bump and expect it to look right
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<stratochief|remote> interesting. looks like ice crystals forming or an x-ray of salt to me
<CobaltWolf> Also, just my 2c for Discord. I like all the features it has but the big thing is just that it's persistent. If I'm gone I can scroll up and see cool stuff that people have shared and comment on
<HypergolicSkunk> regex: no offense :) I'm just 8 years behind
<CobaltWolf> @stratochief|remote yeah. I don't know how much you know about heightmaps but basically, lighter = higher, darker=lower. Once you wrap your head around it, they're super powerful. But I'd never know how to do one like that myself
<regex> HypergolicSkunk, none taken, I just steppped away to make an espresso.
<github> [RealismOverhaul] stratochief66 deleted MarsISRUengineplume at 82b4c7c:
<TwistedMinds> stratochief|remote, adding the lines didn't work, removed it and now it's fixed. Oh well :/ I'll keep an eye open for what might trigger it.
<github> [RealismOverhaul] stratochief66 deleted BDB-Apollo-p1 at b90d430:
<github> [RealismOverhaul] stratochief66 deleted FASA-Ullage-SRB-fix at 08b389a:
<github> [RealismOverhaul] stratochief66 deleted preEngineRework at d68b619:
<github> [RealismOverhaul] stratochief66 deleted tf_ignitionchanges at 52c9a84:
<github> [RealismOverhaul] stratochief66 deleted RealPlume-Split at 41a351b:
<github> [RealismOverhaul] stratochief66 deleted FASA-TACLSfor1.2 at c12ba7e:
<github> [RealismOverhaul] stratochief66 deleted FASA-ExplorerSRB-GlobalFix at c879d1f:
<github> [RealismOverhaul] stratochief66 deleted fairing-changes-snk at 8120d7a:
<CobaltWolf> >>"stratochief66 deleted BDB-Apollo-p1"
<CobaltWolf> T.T
<Pap1723> Goodbye BDB
<CobaltWolf> thank god. I'm free!
<regex> outdated?
<stratochief|remote> CobaltWolf: a merged branch from some configs I made, I imagine
<stratochief|remote> CobaltWolf: did you see my artificial gravity experiments, using KAS/KIS and your Apollo hardware? Now, we can all to go Mars in style
Olympic1|Nomz is now known as Olympic1
<Olympic1> oh some cleanup
<CobaltWolf> @stratochief|remote no, where did you post them?
<Pap1723> stratochief|remote, were you working on BDB configs before?
<stratochief|remote> Pap1723: I did a few. I made them for my Rp-0 series, and so I naturally shared them with RO
<stratochief|remote> Pap1723: the Block III Apollo SM, SM engine, a few parts
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<CobaltWolf> God now I really understand why Jso wanted the alternate SLA model
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<Pap1723> stratochief|remote, ok, I was wondering who had done them. I have all of Apollo done and mostly tested, now I just need to make a PR for it
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<regex> keyboard and mouse controls are hella loud in the vid
<CobaltWolf> oh jeez I just realized that there's sound
<CobaltWolf> I'm so used to playing KSP without any
<regex> lol
<CobaltWolf> remind me, centripetal force is acceleration, because you're constantly accelerating perpendicular to the tangent, right? It's not just velocity?
<stratochief|remote> CobaltWolf: ? about the SLA model?
<stratochief|remote> CobaltWolf: yeah, I also play w/o sound all the time. everytime make a new testing install and boot it up, I have to mute it
<stratochief|remote> CobaltWolf: correct, the centripetal force is an acceleration, as you're being constantly tugged towards the CoM as you spin
<stratochief|remote> regex: yeah, sometimes that happens. I put my webcam near-ish my mouth for a mic, and that happens to also be nearish my keyboard
<CobaltWolf> stratochief|remote: The SLA, because the S-IVB in stock BDB is underscaled relative to Apollo, I need to make an alternate model for it that has the correct (6m?) base with the correct upper diameter (4m? can't remember right now)
<CobaltWolf> But that's easier said than done due to some quirks of my modeling program...
<stratochief|remote> 3.9m and 6.6m, so says wiki
<CobaltWolf> right
<CobaltWolf> I thought 50% wasn't a big enough different
<stratochief|remote> best to get it right, if you're re-doing work :)
<CobaltWolf> well it sorta depends on how it's rescaled in RO
<stratochief|remote> sure. the proper proportions are what is important, I think
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<CobaltWolf> The sad part about artificial gravity that way is that you'd have to like black out the windows on the transfer vessel, meaning that the crew wouldn't be able to see outside
<CobaltWolf> cus otherwise the sunlight whipping through a few times a minute would drive them nuts
<stratochief|remote> meh, have mobile screens to cover them up, show them space from cameras at the CoM or something
<CobaltWolf> lol
<stratochief|remote> and I'd rather have displays over windows, if the alternative is a no-spin trip to Mars, and all the health consequences that entails. sphere heart, gummy-bones, weakness to G-forces
<stratochief|remote> not even gummy-bones, just low density brittle bones
<CobaltWolf> yeah
<stratochief|remote> my RP-0-nauts will have substantial partial gravity experience before heading to Mars. both spin-duration missions as well as over a month stay trips to the Moon
<CobaltWolf> I'm trying to decide what I want to do in, I don't know... probably will be the fall by the time all this dust settles. But I'm trying to decide between moon base type stuff (AAP with the LEM Taxi etc?) or doing interplanetary stuff like the Ares from Voyage. I think that the latter would be a more natural progression for me, since I'd be coming off of Skylab
<stratochief|remote> a lot of AAP stuff is very similar to LEM anyway, and will let you express some choice and creativity with things like the truck delivery vehicle, how much the permanent shelter derives from LEM tech/appearance, etc.
<CobaltWolf> stratochief|remote: yeah I started modeling a cool LEM shelter type thing. The problem is getting away from basically just having different versions of the ascent stage
<CobaltWolf> there's LESA but... do I really want to make a fat cylinder?
<stratochief|remote> also, someone already made a NAR MEM, which is the most complex thing from Voyage. I mean, you could make the habitat for transfer, which will be similar to Skylab.
<stratochief|remote> (me landing the NAR MEM in RSS)
<CobaltWolf> If I do Ares or other interplanetary stuff I'd like to make new radiators specifically for keeping cryogens cold. They'd be chunkier looking, with fat tubes and pumps for ammonia coolant or whatever. Actively pumping the heat away from the tanks.
<CobaltWolf> Yeah Tiktaaliik or however you spell it (I actually go to the school that discovered Tiktaaliik, so I got a chuckle when I saw his name)
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<CobaltWolf> You're free to use his MEM but I'm somewhat obligated to make my own keeping with my current artstyle
<Pap1723> stratochief|remote, when a part in RO says that it is "non RO (RP-0 yes)" what exactly does that mean? It is placed in the tech tree and has costs through RP-0, but doesn't have RO configs?
<stratochief|remote> the mobile lunar lab looks like it would be fun to make. and yeah, the big boring cylinder of LESA may not be crazy interesting to make, but how in the devil does that big vehicle get to the surface from the top of that lander? :P
<CobaltWolf> easy, they do a skycrane manuever hovering upside down, then right the habitat and set it down next to the rover :P
<stratochief|remote> CobaltWolf: yeah, and you're free to make your own version. I'm just saying that a functioning and configured version exists, so it isn't virgin ground. AAP shelter, taxi, etc. on the other hand, I haven't seen anybody model before
<CobaltWolf> ah, gotcha
<CobaltWolf> I just really don't know where to go with it
<stratochief|remote> lol. lunar skycrane. that would be... terrifying
<stratochief|remote> Pap1723: affirmative
<CobaltWolf> I have the LEM shelter (well, my concept of it) modeled but I don't know what I want to do past that. I want to actually have an architecture and not just a couple one off parts
<CobaltWolf> Of course I never finished the Gemini lander or Big G sooo...
<stratochief|remote> Pap1723: I think I left some ISRU parts like that. since RealISRU already makes them compatible with RealFuels, I should probaby just add an RO = yep tag in their RP-0 config
<Pap1723> thansk stratochief|remote
<stratochief|remote> CobaltWolf: the mobile lab would be interesting to make, no? or LEM truck. but yeah, whatever aligns with your creativity at the time that you've got time is probably best
<CobaltWolf> yeah but, I'd have to make wheels...
<CobaltWolf> and all that sort of stuff
<stratochief|remote> lol. well, true. or steal stock wheels or SSTU wheels until you feel the desire to do wheels, or find a partner who wants to do wheels
<stratochief|remote> CobaltWolf: actually, riocrokite makes some mobile parts...
<CobaltWolf> oh yeah.
<stratochief|remote> riocrokite has been working on a regolith miner or two, with animations and everything. look very cool.
<CobaltWolf> yeah, he shares them with us sometimes. Looking good. I think he's still using like an 8k texture for them tho
<stratochief|remote> for those who want to do ISRU on Le Luna, although I'm sure it could be adapted to Mars and other bodies
<stratochief|remote> my lunar shelter will be the FASA LEM (since it is already configured and in my career) with proc-parts bolted on, 'cause I ain't got time to do it right :P
<stratochief|remote> I'll probably have that mission done within the next month or two. although who knows how long the Saturn IB wetlab will take me
<riocrokite> nah finaly version will have 2k atlas texture so it's good
<riocrokite> 'final
<CobaltWolf> hurray
<riocrokite> low quality for the masses :P
<stratochief|remote> riocrokite: easiest to start with big textures, and scale down, rather than the other way around, eh?
<CobaltWolf> But ideally I think I'd just combine all the different lunar plans into something vaguely coherent
<riocrokite> seriously though it saves me the work for more detailed texturing
<CobaltWolf> all the cool stuff in one architecture
<riocrokite> i'm fine with plain colors and AO stratochief|remote
<CobaltWolf> @stratochief|remote no. Better to just work at the resolution you need from the get go, and if need be, scale up
<CobaltWolf> scaling down means you have bleeding and stuff
NomalRaptor is now known as UmbralRaptor
<riocrokite> yah there are downsides to downscaling texture
<stratochief|remote> TIL :)
<regex> Are all the old Thor/Delta engines represented in RO? Like the MB-3-3 (I think that's it)? I seem to recall them in versions past.
<CobaltWolf> Raidernick: must've right?
<github> [RealismOverhaul] stratochief66 closed pull request #1616: BobCat Soviet Engines Extras name fixes (master...RO-BobCat-Extras-Name-Fixes)
<Pap1723> regex, the full MB-3 engines are separated into their components in RO, so there is the LR79 and the LR101 verniers that made up the MB-3 engines
SigmaTrain is now known as Sigma88
<github> [RealismOverhaul] stratochief66 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<github> RealismOverhaul/master 80209c7 PhineasFreak: Remove the RD-103/M global engine config
<github> RealismOverhaul/master 0b11850 stratochief66: Merge pull request #1618 from PhineasFreak/RO-RD-103-global-config-remove...
<github> [RealismOverhaul] stratochief66 closed pull request #1617: VSR RD-100 engine updates (master...RO-VSR-RD-100-Engine)
<github> [RealismOverhaul] stratochief66 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<github> RealismOverhaul/master b4373bf PhineasFreak: VSR RD-100 engine updates
<github> RealismOverhaul/master c758c58 stratochief66: Merge pull request #1617 from PhineasFreak/RO-VSR-RD-100-Engine...
<github> [RealismOverhaul] stratochief66 closed pull request #1619: RD-100 engine variants costing (master...RO-RD-100-configs-costing)
<github> [RealismOverhaul] stratochief66 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<github> RealismOverhaul/master cadc7fe PhineasFreak: Add costs for the early RD-100 variants
<github> RealismOverhaul/master 47e733d stratochief66: Merge pull request #1619 from PhineasFreak/RO-RD-100-configs-costing...
<stratochief|remote> regex: it is, but under an alternate name IIRC. MB-3 is only one name for the same thing, varient of the LR79 IIRC
<regex> KK
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<Sigma88> do I need a mod to take off the kerbal helmet?
<CobaltWolf> I think so, TextureReplacer does it right?
<TwistedMinds> yup
<Sigma88> so just TR is enough?
<TwistedMinds> Yeah, they should remove their helmet automatically if on kerbin/earth (or anywhere with atmosphere?) and you can right click them to remove it
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<taniwha> stratochief|remote: potentially, yeah
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<KevinStarwaster> twistedminds does Texture Replacer still have reflective shading working?
<TwistedMinds> Pretty sure it does but haven't verified recently, doubt it was removed
<KevinStarwaster> I used to maintain a reflective shader that someone else made but it hasn't worked right in awhile and now you can't load them from text format anymore anyway and I haven't had time to sort it out ... :(
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<TwistedMinds> KevinStarwaster, seems to be working for TextureReplacer and windowshine, but with minor issue (disable highlight on parts with reflections)
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<Pap1723> stratochief|remote, so I had a thought about the Tech Tree placement you were talking about putting everything in the start node
<stratochief|remote> KevinStarwaster: it works, FASA uses it
stratochief|remote is now known as stratochief
<stratochief> Pap1723: yes?
<acc> !tell Sigma88 KIS can also take helmets off
<Qboid> acc: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<acc> o/
<Sigma88> I managed to do it with an image I found online :)
<Qboid> Sigma88: acc left a message for you in #RO [02.05.2017 23:15:20]: "KIS can also take helmets off"
<Sigma88> but thanks :D
<acc> fine fine :)
<Pap1723> stratochief, I lied to you, as I thought through the rest of my method, I decided it wouldn't work
<stratochief> Pap1723:
<Sigma88> acc not really the best of artworks :D
<Pap1723> Word
<Pap1723> @Sigma88, if you are looking for someone to create artsy (don't know what kind) Eneos (i think) is helpful
<acc> Sigma88: but it looks fantastic. laughing so hard :D
<Sigma88> and thanks
<Pap1723> lol
<Sigma88> I have a brontosaurus as well
<Sigma88> I'll see if eneos can make them a tad better :)
<acc> heh :D
<Sigma88> thanks for the suggestion
<acc> great idea
<Pap1723> For the tech tree I am working on...
<Pap1723> Should Rocketry be split into Hydrolox, Orbital (Catch-all) and Solids, or group them all together?
<Sigma88> acc it's an easter egg for one of my mods
<Sigma88> :)
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<acc> nice :)
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<stratochief> Pap1723: there are actual family trees of engines, they are fairly well represented in the current RP-0 tree
<stratochief> Pap1723: but yeah, those splits you describe are broadly accurate. hydrolox starts a node or two after the regular engines. don't forget Nuclear and Ion, which would probably be seperate branches that start later as well
<Pap1723> yeah, I was trying to see if it was worth simplyfying it, the tree is VERY complex right now
<Pap1723> to a simple brained human like me
<KevinStarwaster> sigma88 OOoooooooh so THAT'S what prehistoric life looked like on Kerbin
<Sigma88> let me give you a little preview
<stratochief> well, feel free to start more simple, as you've described + the year bands, and some people will try to explain/argue you into a bit more complexity :)
<stratochief> Pap1723: and worst case, the simpler tree you define can still function as an alternate tree to RP-0's more complex/accurate one
<Pap1723> got it
<stratochief> Sigma88: what, no continental drift? or higher/lower sea level?
<acc> ah, btw... I know now how that partupgrade stuff works, but no idea what values for diameter I should insert there
<Sigma88> stratochief: those are not 2 different planets
<stratochief> Pap1723: the idea of having seperate branches for different fuels or engine cycles is somewhat appealing, but I agree it adds potentially unnecessary complexity
<Sigma88> it's the same
<stratochief> Sigma88: but how many years seperate them?
<Sigma88> it's before and after impact :)
<Sigma88> I've made a plugin that changes the planet live
<stratochief> acc: you can use procedural parts as a basis:
<stratochief> Sigma88: ahh, gotcha. so, people can bring lots of asteroids home, and suffer the consequences?
<acc> that makes sense heh
<acc> thanks
<stratochief> acc: no problem, thanks for the help :)
<Sigma88> stratochief: no, it's a fixed event
<Sigma88> the plugin changes kerbin and hides the asteroid-minmus just as it impacts
<Sigma88> ConfigNode question
<Sigma88> how do I get a list of all the values?
<acc> stratochief: how should I add the changes to the repos? just clone and merge back when done? atm I did forks of RO and RP-0
<Sigma88> possibly with both the type and the value
<stratochief> acc: yep. clone, modify, merge back/PR back
<acc> fine :)
<stratochief> Sigma88: of what now? nearly everything I want to see is in ModuleManager.ConfigCache
<Sigma88> yes that's not my problem :) I need to edit them
<Sigma88> I want to change the part before the equal sign
<Sigma88> it's for science defs
<Sigma88> basically I want to change all science defs for a certain planet (eg Duna)
<Sigma88> and change them to target another planet (eg Mars)
<Sigma88> which means I don't know what are the types of keys I am dealing with
<Olympic1> Can't you do it with MM
<github> [RealismOverhaul] stratochief66 closed pull request #1613: STAR 37 TestFlight config (master...RO-STAR-37-TestFlight)
<github> [RealismOverhaul] stratochief66 pushed 6 new commits to master:
<github> RealismOverhaul/master 4d890cc Phineas Freak: Add TF data to the STAR 37 SRM
<github> RealismOverhaul/master 4d75b0e Phineas Freak: SRM definition
<github> RealismOverhaul/master 9c5721d Phineas Freak: Reuse the STAR 37E reliability values