leudaimon has joined #RO
<leudaimon> anybody knows if there is a way to make a MM config to create additional RT ground stations? Given the RSS cfg that adds the ground stations is now a MM cfg I think it might be possible
NathanKell|AFK is now known as NathanKell
<NathanKell> o/
<NathanKell> leudaimon: Just patch it same way that does?
<leudaimon> I see only the ones I created with a FINAL pass
<NathanKell> Your pass needs to run after RSS's/RO's?
<leudaimon> oh
<leudaimon> @RemoteTechSettings:AFTER[RealSolarSystem]?
<leudaimon> my original cfg was @RemoteTechSettings:FINAL
<leudaimon> the RSS one is @RemoteTechSettings:FOR[RealSolarSystem]
<NathanKell> then yes, AFTER should work. Unless there's a pass that runs later on RO's side, like RO-RemoteTech or something
<leudaimon> but shouldn't a FINAL work too? (that's a personal cfg, I don't intend to distribute it)
<NathanKell> oh, then if it's personal, FINAL is fine
<leudaimon> why would it remove the RSS stations then?
<NathanKell> Are you replacing the node
<NathanKell> or deleting and recreating
<NathanKell> or just patching?
<leudaimon> I don't know exactly what I'm doing... I just wanna add stations on my custom launch sites... that's what I'm doing
<leudaimon> @RemoteTechSettings:FINAL
<leudaimon> {
<leudaimon> GroundStations
<leudaimon> {
<leudaimon> STATION
<NathanKell> So you're adding a second GroundStations node?
<NathanKell> Try using @GroundStations {}
<NathanKell> that will add to the existing one
<leudaimon> oh that's what I messed up!
<leudaimon> cool
<leudaimon> as I saw the RSS cfg explicitly removed other nodes, I implied it would add to the existing ones automatically
<leudaimon> my MM fu is pretty non-existant
<leudaimon> it worked! thanks a lot NathanKell!
<NathanKell> :)
<leudaimon> I used to do that by hand before RT could talk to MM for that, but that's a mess
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Sigma88 is now known as SigmaAway
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<Agathorn> Evening
Pap has quit [Quit: Bye]
<Pap|Away> Good evening everyone
Pap|Away is now known as Pap
<xShadowx> whats so good about it?
<Pap> It is Saturday, that part is good enough for me
<xShadowx> everyday is the same for me XD
* xShadowx has no concept of weekends
rsparkyc has joined #RO
<Pap> leudaimon: no adding launch sites to Brazil! Against RO/RSS/RP-0 policy
<Agathorn> development is so sisyphean
<Pap> Agathorn: how did the stream go earlier?
<Agathorn> After about a weeks worth of work I finally have a mostly done and working component browser. Now I get to start all over again at the bottom of the hill for a new UI to build stages with :)
<Agathorn> Pap: it went.. not sure how well
<Agathorn> video is here if you want to see it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4vizZFkLoI
<Pap> Were you more comfortable with it than you worried about being?
<Agathorn> I got more comfortable as I got into it.. its still a bit akward though because you don't want dead air so its hard to stop and thinkg when you need to
<Agathorn> The audio wasn't so good though...A lot of time I would be looking down while typing so between my mechanical keyuboard and me not talking into the mic, it can be rather quiet
<Agathorn> I need to get like a swing arm for my mic to put it up by my mouth
<Pap> Yeah, I have streamed before, but to actually be good at streaming takes a legitimate setup and sound seems to be one of the most important things
<Pap> NathanKell: are you around?
<xShadowx> Pap: nah hes asquare
<Pap> that-that......
<Pap> is just terrible
<xShadowx> XD
<Pap> :)
<NathanKell> Pap: Ish
<NathanKell> sorry, semi afk
<Pap> np, I wanted you to weigh in on RP-0#1242 when you have the time so we can re-organize the whole thing
<Pap> RP0#1242
<Pap> I broke it
<Pap> RO#1242
<Qboid> [#1242] title: RO/RP-0 "What is to be done" list | per @dxdy_name's suggestion. This is no roadmap yet; right now it's just a list of everything we can think of that needs doing.... | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/issues/1242
<Agathorn> useless bot
<xShadowx> coulda sworn he added RP0 alias
<xShadowx> rp0#1242
<Pap> Nope, it was a user error
<Pap> It is an RO issue
<Agathorn> there is no rp0 1242 :)
<xShadowx> 95% of computer issues exist between the keyboard and the chair :)
<Agathorn> PEBKAC
<Pap> xShadowx: it is higher in my case
<Agathorn> handling the flexability of stage construction is going to be tricky
<Agathorn> It is easy to see why other games stuck with premade rockets :D
<NathanKell> Pap: Sorry, doing a bit of work on the weekend, I'll be mentally present shortly
blowfish has joined #RO
<rsparkyc> so, i'm in a bit of an awkward spot, i don't have any mods that i'm working on, and i don't know if any issues that need to be fixed...
<Pap> rsparkyc: Assembly line mod?
<rsparkyc> haha
<Pap> <--runs and ducks for cover
<rsparkyc> i was actually thinking about that in the shower this morning
<rsparkyc> no joke
<rsparkyc> i think it will take a lot more thinking before i tackle that one
<rsparkyc> perhaps NathanKell will beat me to it :)
<rsparkyc> at least that way it will be done properly
<Pap> That makes sense, as long as I planted the seed, I have done my job
<Pap> lol
<rsparkyc> Pap, should I try out your RP-0 branch?
<Pap> rsparkyc: the tech tree isn't really worth it, we are going to be changing that, but the contracts, for sure
<rsparkyc> as long as the tech tree isn't borken
<rsparkyc> s/borken/broken
<Qboid> rsparkyc meant to say: as long as the tech tree isn't broken
<Pap> Tech Tree is not, it works great fo the most part
<rsparkyc> i see your fairly behind master, want to pull master in to your branch?
<rsparkyc> more technically speaking, your master is behind origins master
<rsparkyc> actually, your not as far back as i thought
<rsparkyc> looks like just one commit
<Pap> I'm showing 18 commits ahead, 3 behind
<rsparkyc> (or one PR, don't know how many commits was in that)
<rsparkyc> ok, 3 commits then
<rsparkyc> want to pull those in?
<rsparkyc> looks like it was from RP0#647
<Qboid> [#647] title: RealEngines v1.5 RP-0 support | **Change log:**... | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/issues/647
<Pap> Yep
<rsparkyc> guess i should get RealEngines 1.5
<NathanKell> pap: Back, apologies
<NathanKell> Pap: What were you asking?
<Pap> NK, RO#1242 has a lot of information on it and I don't know what has been / has not been done, but I thought it was a good place to start to make a roadmap of future plans?
<Qboid> [#1242] title: RO/RP-0 "What is to be done" list | per @dxdy_name's suggestion. This is no roadmap yet; right now it's just a list of everything we can think of that needs doing.... | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/issues/1242
<NathanKell> I believe the part pack cataloging has mostly been done. I recall some emails about that from github
<Pap> Alright rsparkyc I am all up to date, and I added a few more contract updates as well
<NathanKell> The engines...all are now in global configs so I think that's done by definition
<rsparkyc> sweet
<NathanKell> "Go through issues, closing what is no longer relevant." <<< always in progress
<NathanKell> We still need a better support system I think, and a roadmap
<NathanKell> has progress been made on using 1.1's vernier support?
<NathanKell> (and per-axis gimbals)
<LittleJoe> Would 1.3 be causeing RO on 1.2.2 not to work?
<LittleJoe> causing*
<Pap> LittleJoe: only if you have 1.3 installed
<LittleJoe> hehe...
<LittleJoe> Suppose I should probably revert...
<lamont> paging rsparkyc and UmbralRaptor…
<lamont> your MacOSX build is ready….
<github> [RealismOverhaul] NathanKell created PartUpgradeEngineConfigs (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vHckM
<github> RealismOverhaul/PartUpgradeEngineConfigs 76c4847 NathanKell: Add part upgrade for engine configs proof of concept...
<github> [RealismOverhaul] NathanKell opened pull request #1654: Add part upgrade for engine configs proof of concept (master...PartUpgradeEngineConfigs) https://git.io/vHckD
<NathanKell> RO#1654
<Qboid> [#1654] title: Add part upgrade for engine configs proof of concept | Hope it works. | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/issues/1654
<rsparkyc> oh sweet
<NathanKell> Pap ^^^^^^^^
<rsparkyc> i knew a new moon was coming
<NathanKell> Pap: I think that will work
<LittleJoe> so now the version of RO I just installed is out of date?
<LittleJoe> xD
<travis-ci> Build #4902 - PartUpgradeEngineConfigs - passed
<travis-ci> Add part upgrade for engine configs proof of concept
<lamont> (i haven’t tested it much at all, but i get the menu, so principia.so should be loading)
<NathanKell> hope I haven't lost my MM fu. Note: that is currently targeted for a TestFlight config but you can move the *@PARTUPGRADE line to the appropriate CONFIG block in the engine configger rather than in the testflight patches section.
<rsparkyc> LittleJoe: the version of RO isn't out of date, your version of KSP is just too up to date
<NathanKell> ^
<Pap> Alright NathanKell I'll look at that tomorrow, time for some quality time with my wife, all have a good night!
<rsparkyc> later Pap
<rsparkyc> about to start a new career with your RP-0 branch
<rsparkyc> will let you know how it goes
<Pap> sounds good rsparkyc
<NathanKell> rsparkyc: I'll try to do the launch pad stuff tonight so we can both test with that
<NathanKell> for now, pretend you have a max of 20t :)
<rsparkyc> sounds good :)
<Pap> I found science not to be the issue once you can go Interplanetary, for me it was money holding me back
Pap is now known as Pap|Goodnight
<NathanKell> (idea was 20/50/150/300/800/1500/3000/unlimited, IIRC--much more progression)
<rsparkyc> cool
<NathanKell> I also must away, but to nomz
<NathanKell> o/
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|AFK
<rsparkyc> i gotta wonder what you're launching if you're over 3000, that's bigger than the saturn V
HypergolicSkunk has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
<LittleJoe> I can't for RO-0 to hit the "consumer market"
<LittleJoe> just launching RO in sandbox now...
<rsparkyc> you can pull down one of the branches and have a working RP-0
<KevinStarwaster> egg|df|egg I meant zzz as in the guy who made these: http://imgur.com/a/d86YR
<LittleJoe> :O
<rsparkyc> just know that changes are coming
<rsparkyc> for instance, Pap is working on redoing the contracts for us here:
<LittleJoe> Yeah, I don't want to start something only to see it change and break :D
<LittleJoe> rather have the awesome complete version you guys are spending so much time creating ;)
<LittleJoe> But still do something in the meantime...
<LittleJoe> thanks
<rsparkyc> well, if you want to get a preview of some of the stuff that you'd get, it's there
<rsparkyc> for instance: procedural avionics
<rsparkyc> oh come on…ksp crashed already
<rsparkyc> didn't even get to the space center
<LittleJoe> and there's that ^^^
<LittleJoe> :)
<rsparkyc> lol
TM1978m has joined #RO
<rsparkyc> egg|df|egg, i think in was principia
<rsparkyc> F0527 22:37:10.755197 53355456 date_time_body.hpp:957] Check failed: contains(str, size, '-') == contains(str, size, ':')
<rsparkyc> want all my logs?
<rsparkyc> this is the newest one lamont built
egg|df|egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
BasharMilesTeg_ is now known as BasharMilesTeg
Pap has joined #RO
Pap has quit [Client Quit]
<leudaimon> !tell Pap You discovered my secret! Finally setting up a 1.2.2 install for a Brazillian carreer
<Qboid> leudaimon: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<rsparkyc> leudaimon: do you mean kourou, or actually brazil?
<KevinStarwaster> Jupiter: http://imgur.com/gallery/iEGbP
<LittleJoe> that's cool
<LittleJoe> "This is hard" *LittleJoe Playing RO for the first time*
blowfish has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<KevinStarwaster> at that range you can really see the 3D aspect of its layers... until now, even our best shots of Jupiter look like a flat textured ball
<KevinStarwaster> I want our gas giants in RSS (or even just stock) to look layered
<rsparkyc> ahh, you playing RO for the first time? i would totally recommend RP-0 then
<leudaimon> rsparkyc, actually Brazil, Alcantara launch center
<rsparkyc> lamont, you haven't pulled up the new principia with RO/RP-0, have you?
<lamont> no, i did the barest flame test with an otherwise stock KSP
<lamont> also a new save, i didn’t try a old one
<rsparkyc> yeah, i'm doing a new save
<rsparkyc> i'm doing a stock + principia save now
<rsparkyc> it crashed twice in RP-0
<rsparkyc> yeah, stock loads
<rsparkyc> lamont: this is the error i get
<rsparkyc> F0527 22:50:34.499806 52753344 date_time_body.hpp:957] Check failed: contains(str, size, '-') == contains(str, size, ':')
<lamont> no idea what that is
<rsparkyc> i'll upload it all for egg|zzz|egg
<rsparkyc> guess no KSP for me tonight
<stratochief|away> RP-0#1242
<stratochief|away> rsparkyc: if you're pondering a mod, you could make tweakscale less broken, or make it from scratch?
<rsparkyc> actually, i was getting excited about playing
<rsparkyc> but now i'm getting CTDs
<stratochief|away> rsparkyc: lol. yeah, playing is fun.
<stratochief|away> :(
<Qboid> [#1408] title: KSP crashes when starting a new RO/RP-0 career game | Using RO 11.5.0, on a mac (built from lamont). Created a new save. ... | https://github.com/mockingbirdnest/Principia/issues/1408
<rsparkyc> so, i downloaded Ignition!
<rsparkyc> so i figured i'd read it
<stratochief|away> \o/ Ignition! is pretty great
<rsparkyc> too bad my kindle needs to charge
<stratochief|away> rsparkyc: "This time, history doesn't end at 3000T. It is only beginning" RP-0 2017
<xShadowx> rsparkyc: what? people dont play ksp, people only mod ksp :)
<stratochief|away> there is some amazing modern/near future stuff to be played/added to KSP. for now, I focus on ISRU and Mars
<Agathorn> Is it common or uncommon for tanks in a stage to have RCS for manuevers or ullage?
<stratochief|away> Agathorn: for an upper stage, not uncommon. Centaur and DCSS have RCS to maneuver, ullage
<Agathorn> It isn't something i'm finding noted when researching so i'm not sure
<Agathorn> and pretty much unheard of for boosters that don't do whacky things like landing?
<stratochief|away> for mid-stage, (ie. S-II) it is a bit more common to have solid motors to ullage. or, to hot-stage like Titan II and all that is soviet does
<stratochief|away> what is unheard of for boosters that don't land?
stratochief|away is now known as stratochief
<Agathorn> rcs
<stratochief> ahh, yeah. same with hyper/supersonic grid-fins :P
<Agathorn> I mean it wouldn't serve any purpose in a booster except for the F9
<stratochief> I can't think of a first stage that has RCS, other than Falcon 9. technically the Atlas core had verniers, but that was for fine-tuning the final trajectory after all other engines had been shut down
<stratochief> gotta hit every Ruskie
<stratochief> KevinStarwaster: I look forward to all the great Jupiter footage
<Agathorn> btw stratochief not sure if you saw but I did a dev livestream this afternoon
<Agathorn> it is on YouTube now
<stratochief> Agathorn: I missed it live, yeah. I'll catch it in post :P
<Agathorn> May not be something you are interested in. Not sure
<Agathorn> if you like seeing the suasgae made *shrug*
<stratochief> was it UI fiddling? still something I'm interested in watching in the background, at the least
<stratochief> seeing the sausage made gives me a good idea of what suggestions are reasonable, and which are nieve/useless
<Agathorn> god I don't know how i'm going to manage an Atlas
<stratochief> how so?
<Agathorn> well its a rather complex rocket :)
<Agathorn> that whole half stage nonsense
<stratochief> I can help with the math; we talked about how partial staging works about a week ago, IIRC
<Agathorn> how do you even calculate dV for such a thing.. I think i'll have to hard code a time for staging I guess
<stratochief> similar for anything with solid boosters
<stratochief> yeah, exactly. you'll have to calculate/estimate times for staging
<Agathorn> Boosters are easy in comparison because they burn out and seperate
<stratochief> which for historical craft are recorded, and you could peg them to a calculated condition (like, half-staging when acceleration = 6.5G)
<Agathorn> hmm interesting
<Agathorn> didn't think about that
<Agathorn> well anyway won't be in my first pass :)
<stratochief> IIRC, staging at ~6.5G is about what they always did anyway
<Agathorn> stickign with the simplest rockets I can find for this initial workup
<stratochief> which means it retains the boosters longer for heavy upper stages, like Centaur
<stratochief> yeah, entirely fair. like I said, I can help with the rocket math for the Atlas
<stratochief> by boosters, I mean the 2 larger engines on Atlas
<Agathorn> yeah I figured
<stratochief> calculating for something like the R-7 sputnik will give you leg up towards the atlast Calc
<stratochief> *Atlas calc
<Agathorn> Are there certain used patterns when it comes to clustering engines?
<stratochief> 8, like the Saturn IB. 2, like the Titan II. 5, like the Saturn V
<stratochief> well, technically the Titan II first stage is 1 'engine', 2 nozzles. like the R-7 engines are 1 engine, 4 nozzles
<Agathorn> sorry I don't mean engine counts, I mean how the engines are laid out
<Agathorn> like the pettern if you were to look at them directly from the bottom
<stratochief> ahh. well, you can look at how the examples I just stated are layed out. pretty obvious patterns
<UmbralRaptor> Incidentally, Atlas V booster layouts are not very symmetric.
<stratochief> if you download SSTU, even just try it on stock, it gives you common cluster patterns, and even a few that were considered by not done (like a Saturn V first stage with 6 intead of 5)
<stratochief> yeah, SRB attachment is sometimes odd, because you can't attach one to a fuel line
leudaimon has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<Agathorn> First pass concept for Stage Design UI: http://i.imgur.com/EKKJvIk.jpg
<Agathorn> When "Custom Tank Design" option is selected, the section below that becomes available and the "Select a Tank" button would change to "Save Tank Design"
<stratochief> B787_300: where'd you get/make that?
<stratochief> Agathorn: will it provide composite info? for example, if I select an engine, I then want to know what the stage TWR and/or burn time will be
<Agathorn> not sure what you mean by "composite" but as you select the data above, the properties at the bottom would update
<stratochief> B787_300: 3D print? looks shiny for plastic
<B787_300> stratochief: so that model is a V2 inspired design and is a common test print for big printers
<B787_300> and it is silver PLA
<stratochief> B787_300: ahh, cool!
<B787_300> so i would be a bit shinier
<Agathorn> stratochief: oh right I think you are just pointing ouit i'm missing info :)
<stratochief> Agathorn: right
<Agathorn> I can extend that down and add some more data
<Agathorn> I just added what was off the top of my headf
<stratochief> I don't think the ratio is particularly important
<Agathorn> hmm Stage TWR - would have to be the stage in isolation
<stratochief> also, dry mass and wet mass appear to be reversed? unless it is lighter when filled? :P
<B787_300> stratochief: so one of the cool things about that print was it took 5:59:22 and uses 30 g of filament... and it is comprised of 2 outter perimeters, inside is hollow
<Agathorn> its special gas
<Agathorn> lighter than air
<stratochief> Agathorn: huff some more :P
<stratochief> B787_300: but - will it fly?
<B787_300> stratochief: no
<B787_300> not this one
<Agathorn> stratochief: is the stage TWR useful all by itself not as part of a rocket?
<stratochief> Agathorn: well, chicken or the egg, right?
<Agathorn> Well in my head there is another UI that you use to combine stages into a final vehicle, and I was going to obvviously put a TWR on that one
<stratochief> if I know that the stage alone has a TWR of 1.0, then I know it is too big to be useful. the stage alone TWR at least bounds the value, to give me a basis to judge if I made it unreasonably large or small
<Agathorn> fair enough
<B787_300> stratochief this is the base of a HPR that I will be printing https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/9AAs21Cj/image.png
<B787_300> and that one will fly
<stratochief> HPR?
<Agathorn> fintastic
<B787_300> High Power Rocket
<B787_300> that is designed to take a 38 mm motor
<stratochief> B787_300: ahh, gotcha
<Agathorn> B787_300: is IRCCloud what you use for chatting here?
<B787_300> Agathorn: yes
<Agathorn> curious about it... does it keep you always connected to the IRC channels and then you just connect to it? Like a bouncer?
<Agathorn> I currentl use Quassel which lets me do that but I have to host a server online which costs me a little bit each month
<B787_300> Agathorn: yes if you pay thyem $5 a month
<B787_300> otherwise if you can leave a compuer running constanly then you can get the same effects without paying, or have to reconnect every 2 hrs
<Agathorn> cool..might give it a look
<Agathorn> $5 a month is still less than I pay Amazon for hosting my Quassel core
<stratochief> g'nite!
stratochief is now known as stratosleep
<Agathorn> night
<Agathorn> should be doing the same soon
NathanKell|AFK is now known as NathanKell
<NathanKell> o/
<NathanKell> Noice!
<Agathorn> NathanKell: http://i.imgur.com/EKKJvIk.jpg - mockup for stage design ui
<NathanKell> Neat!
<NathanKell> Uh, one pet peeve:
<NathanKell> _all_ options are pressurized, to at least 1.5-2atm. Just sometimes they're _highly_ pressurized, for pressure-fed engines
B787_300 is now known as B787_Bed
<Agathorn> highly pressurized wouldn't fit very well in the space
<NathanKell> So have a pressure slider
<NathanKell> it determines tank structural mass
<NathanKell> (and max chamber pressure for pressure fed engines)
<Agathorn> might be going deeper than I had planned but i'll consider it
<NathanKell> that's one thing we really fail to cover in RO
<NathanKell> you can make great pressure-fed engines but you pay in tank mass
<Agathorn> the goal here really is just mating an engine with a tank.. so the engine will have already been designed. I imagine if there was a pressure slider, the user would just be sliding it up until it was high enough to work with the chosen engine
<Agathorn> which seems like a needless step
<Agathorn> Maybe I shouldn't even have the pressurized option at all, just it is set internally based on the engine
<Agathorn> if you choose an engine that needs a highly pressurized tank then it is just set that way
<NathanKell> Yes, set internally based on engine
<NathanKell> however, beyond a certain point balloon becomes impossible
<Agathorn> in which case you could argue the cryo setting should be the same based on propellant
<NathanKell> probably ~3atm? Dunno. ferram4 might.
<NathanKell> No, because you can very well have uninsulated LOX tanks
<Agathorn> that's a good point.. so I would need to disable the balloon option under some conditions
<NathanKell> c.f. every launch vehcile until like 1965
<Agathorn> by choice or by tech?
<NathanKell> heck, you could have uninsulated LH2 tanks too if you really wanted (spoiler you don't)
<NathanKell> some combination I assume--insulation costs mass, you probably gain more by having slightly larger tanks than insulating the whole tank
<Agathorn> gotcha.. ok leave that option in then :)
<Agathorn> still not entirely sure how i'm going to handle boiloff anyway
<NathanKell> generally the ice that forms does much of the insulation for LOX
<NathanKell> KevinStarwaster is the expert here
<Agathorn> I don't really want users fiddling with tank proportions
<B787_Bed> yeah ballon tanks are great but if you go over about 600 psi in them they start getting dicey
<KevinStarwaster> correct, LOX tanks weren't insulated in the Saturn era
<KevinStarwaster> ice + steel tanks were low enough conductivity
<KevinStarwaster> + topping them off until launch
<KevinStarwaster> shuttle tanks were insulated all around and I think SPaceX also insulates theirs?
<KevinStarwaster> btw, at SOME point in the future, I've got plans to put in player configurable MLI insulation using the Lockheed equations
<NathanKell> \o/
<KevinStarwaster> and they'd add weight appropriate to the number of layers and total surface area
<Agathorn> well some things to think about.. I DO want insulation to be a thing, but don't know how deepo into the rabbit hole I Want to go
<KevinStarwaster> take the red pill
<NathanKell> but, you know, not trp
<B787_Bed> NathanKell: so now i know where you work i have to ask....
<KevinStarwaster> dont
<B787_Bed> HL3 when?
<KevinStarwaster> dont ask it
<KevinStarwaster> OMG
<Agathorn> kick
<KevinStarwaster> dont you know every time someone asks they tack on 3 more months?
<NathanKell> ^
<KevinStarwaster> I want it to come out before I die of old age you know
<Agathorn> if they ever actually make that game I will be chocked
<Agathorn> its too much of a joke now
<B787_Bed> i remember there used to be a HL 3 bot on reddit and last i saw its release date was like 2150 or so
<Agathorn> They seriously should just release it as HL4
* xShadowx thinks he is the only one who doesn't want HL3
<KevinStarwaster> I'd be happy if they just made a L4D3
<Agathorn> xShadowx: yeah I couldn't care one way or the other
<B787_Bed> xShadowx: i couldnt care less... i have never played HL1 or HL2
<KevinStarwaster> but I dunno if that's even int he works at all
<Agathorn> I do want Portal 3 though
<B787_Bed> but the joke was there
<B787_Bed> Agathorn: me too
<Agathorn> but Valve can't count past 2 so sad
<B787_Bed> me too
<KevinStarwaster> maybe Gaben was in a tragic accident where he lost three fingers on each hand
<Agathorn> but then he should be able to count to 4
<KevinStarwaster> uhm
<Agathorn> :)
<xShadowx> almost as bad as canadians cant go past the letter a :P
<KevinStarwaster> it was a REALLY tragic accident and he lost five fingers on ONE hand and 3 on the other
<Agathorn> *groan*
<Agathorn> I think its like the Chinese.. I forget which number it is, but often Chinese buildgins skip certain floors similiar to how some buildings skip the 13th floot
<xShadowx> KevinStarwaster: people can use toes to count
<KevinStarwaster> I'm such a bad person playing L4D... I always have to have the katana and I always have a plan to beat my team to any possible katana locations. I horde bile and adrenaline just so I can make a mad dash for the katana
<Agathorn> except they skip like every floor with a 2 in it or something
<xShadowx> american buildings kip 13th floor
<Agathorn> xShadowx: yeah but thatys just one floor
<KevinStarwaster> HE LOST HIS FEET TOO OK? I wasn't expecting all these gotcha questions
<xShadowx> KevinStarwaster: still got 4 limbs
* xShadowx can't resist
<Agathorn> KevinStarwaster: just give up... xShadowx will argue anything until the big chill
<Agathorn> and would probably try to argue even past that except the universe is dead at that point
<Agathorn> entropy is a b
<xShadowx> im not that bad, hes just making it hard to resist :P
<Agathorn> you kind of are :)
<Agathorn> but I digress
<Agathorn> time for me to head off for bed
<Agathorn> night!
<KevinStarwaster> graon
* xShadowx steals Agathorn's Marvel superheros nightlight
<NathanKell> o/
<ferram4> I got pinged something about pressure and balloon tanks? I think?
<ferram4> I just got back.
<NathanKell> Agathorn went to be so you're freeeeeeee
<ferram4> Ah.
<ferram4> Well.
<ferram4> I think the limit is 2-3 atm.
<NathanKell> cool, that's what I guessed
<NathanKell> \o/
<ferram4> Of course, that raises the question: is a tank with a structural mass heavier than a standard balloon tank but lighter than a standard tank structure a balloon tank, or something else?
<NathanKell> _Could_ there be a tank rated for >3atm pressure that nonetheless is too weak to support its own weight under 1G?
<ferram4> ...probably if it was made of titanium.
<ferram4> You're more worried about buckling than any other kind of failure under those circumstances, and that means thin walls.
<NathanKell> ya
<ferram4> I think that aluminum thick enough to handle that much pressure is too thick to buckle.
<ferram4> Unless it's shit aluminum.
<NathanKell> heh
<ferram4> Hmm... perhaps for a large enough tank it's possible, with buckling happening down at the very bottom of the tank, right where the tankbutt is welded on.
<ferram4> However, I think for a tank that large the biggest issue would be that it would likely be destroyed by vibrations from the engines required to lift it.
<ferram4> Although I'm speculating here.
<ferram4> I haven't run any numbers, just throwing out possibilities.
<NathanKell> still way more informed speculation than me :D
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|AFK
<github> [RealismOverhaul] pianojosh opened pull request #1655: Increase merlin burn time (master...increase-merlin-burn-time) https://git.io/vHcm1
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<egg|zzz|egg> sarbut sarbian
jclishman is now known as jclishsleep
HypergolicSkunk has joined #RO
<HypergolicSkunk> setting up a test-install of RO/RSS via CKAN now...
<HypergolicSkunk> good morning btw o/
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<egg|zzz|egg> rsparkyc: re. your issue, it's a known one that got hotfixed quickly on windows/linux, but lamont didn't get that patch; phl will comment with the details (it's an easy fix)
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SigmaAway is now known as Sigma88
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Theysen has joined #RO
<Probus> KevinStarwaster, I was building a two part lander and had an idea. How hard would it be for you to make a procedural donut or add a donut configuration to the tank shape.
<Probus> This would, of course, let you hide the ascent engine.
<Probus> Maybe Toroidal may be the word I'm looking for. If it were it's own part, then it would have more flexibility, but be more work.
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<acc> ahoy hoy
<Theysen> oh captain my captain?
* soundnfury gives Theysen a scrapyard of insufferable arrogance
hattivat has joined #RO
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn Theysen
* Qboid gives Theysen a harmful demon
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn hattivat
* Qboid gives hattivat an enriched projective superuser
<Theysen> first time I got something useful from the bot
<acc> Theysen: arrr. bring me that rum!
<Theysen> dude I was so hammerd on thursday, no more rum please :D :D
<acc> heh
<acc> just got up, so I'm probably fine with coffee
<Theysen> giant thunderstorm just passing by
<acc> not bad, I'm baking in the sun right now
stratosleep is now known as stratochief
<stratochief> Probus: new shapes are not being added by Starwaster, he is handling things that break, but not planning on adding things himself
<Theysen> acc, yep i fell asleep the other day in the sun..
rsparkyc has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
<acc> Theysen: oh, got burned
<acc> ?
<Probus> Gotcha stratochief. I'm glad he is keeping things going.
Senshi has joined #RO
<stratochief> Probus: of you want to poke around the source code, you might figure out how challenging it might be? Or, find a suitable torroid tank in another mod, experiment to see if FAR & tweakscale fight if your scaled torroid/donut is hiding within a launch fairing?
<Theysen> acc, don't even ask
<stratochief> Theysen: outdoor partial cremation? when is your funeral?
<Theysen> i started in the shade but welp, sun orbits earth and angles change right? stratochief, when lying down doesn't hurt anymore :D
ferram4 has joined #RO
Pap|Goodnight is now known as Pap
<Pap> Anyone here plant vegetable gardens?
<Qboid> Pap: leudaimon left a message for you in #RO [28.05.2017 02:49:50]: "You discovered my secret! Finally setting up a 1.2.2 install for a Brazillian carreer"
<Pap> HypergolicSkunk: how did the install go?
<acc> Pap: aye, I do
<Pap> Nice acc, I just got back from the store to plant ours today, but will have to do it in between thunderstorms
<stratochief> Pap: I've been known to garden, yep
<acc> Pap: btw we just started yesterday #Mars for offtopic, if you wanna join. everyone is welcome, of course
<stratochief> ideally, offtopics related to Mars. or, you know, other things
<Pap> lol, I will pop in there, oftentimes I am not well-informed enough to take part in many of your off-topic convos
<stratochief> Pap: I've never planted in super-soaked ground, but only because it would be unpleasant and muddy. I imagine it would still work
<Pap> stratochief: yeah, unfortunately, with the weather we have had so far this summer, I don't have much of a choice. I also have a raised garden, so not nearly as bad as direct into the ground like I have done before
<acc> around here is just perfect soil to plant nearly everything
<Pap> acc: were are you at?
<acc> south-west germany
<acc> saarland
<Pap> Our soil is all clay, so trying to garden in that soil is just terible
<Pap> nice
<stratochief> yeah, most everwhere I've lived also has clay soil. Regina had soil too clay-y for brick buildings to really survive, so very few heritage/old buildings of brick
<acc> buy some soil in the garden market or whatever sells that stuff at your place
<acc> mix it with old plant trash
<Pap> that is exactly what I have done acc
<acc> and put in the used voffee
<acc> coffee
<acc> that's great fertilizer as well
<stratochief> yeah, mixing clay with mulch, etc. is good
<Pap> stratochief: I just learned yesterday that it is pronounced Re-jye-nuh and not Re-jee-nuh
<stratochief> Pap: did you have a vegetable planting specific question, or you just wanted to let us know about having to plant mid-rain?
<stratochief> Pap: yep. "The city that rhymes with fun!"
<Agathorn> morning
<acc> hey Agathorn
<Agathorn> time to get back to the grindstone.. worked out an initial mockup for the stage designer last night. Now I need to start making it functional :)
Pap is now known as Pap|HoneyDoList
<stratochief> lol. such a conventional marriage :)
<stratochief> morning Agathorn. ferram and NK talked about balloon tanks for a bit after you went to sleep
<Agathorn> yep saw it in the scrollback
<stratochief> not terribly important for your current stage of development, IMO, but worth ensuring your code will accept modifiers to structural mass & insulation later on
B787_Bed is now known as B787_300
<Agathorn> I think the main thing is making sure the player can't make a tank be bothe balloon and highly pressurized
jclishsleep is now known as jclishman
<Agathorn> after talking with NK before bed I decided to remove the option for a highly pressurized tank and just make that automatic based on the chosen engine's requirements
<Agathorn> So I will disable the Balloon option if the tank is Highly Pressurized
<stratochief> yeah, makes sense
<acc> yep, sane
<Agathorn> acc did you see the mockup?
<acc> no. very nice :)
<acc> but why is there a difference between ullage and maneuver rcs?
<Agathorn> It doesn't handle engine clusters or half stages at the moment.. not sure how I am going to work that in yet
<acc> I would suspect maneuvering has ullage included
<acc> ah, hm
<Agathorn> The reason I am making it different - for now - is how the blocks will be orientated
<Agathorn> Manuever RCS will be at the top and provide rotational control
<Agathorn> while Ullage RCS will be at the bottom and provide translational control
<stratochief> right, so not much a mass requirement, but it will have a cost and change how the stage appears
<Agathorn> yeah
<acc> ah, gotcha. that makes sense
<Agathorn> small amount of mass too of course..but small
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KevinStarwaster has joined #RO
<KevinStarwaster> Probus, Re: procedural torii I don't know what would be involved in the coding for shapes like that so I don't know how to answer
<stratochief> making the collider hollow would be... interesting
<ferram4> A hollow collider would be a terrible plan.
<ferram4> Make it a ring of cylinders instead.
<stratochief> ferram4: doesn't stock have a torus shaped tank? is that how they do that collider?
<ferram4> It has no hole in the center.
<ferram4> It has a plain cylinder as a collider, IIRC.
<stratochief> lol
<Probus> How about a cylinder with extra attach points in the center?
<stratochief> Probus: can't you just surface attach an engine? iirc, RO or RP-0 makes every engine surface attachable
<Probus> Definately. I thought it might be an easy thing to create a hole in the center of a tank. Sounds much more complicated.
<Agathorn> Usually is :)
<Agathorn> How easy you think something is often has an inverse relationship to howq hard something is to implement lol
<Probus> :)
<xShadowx> just install KKS, place a girder under tank, let clamps drop tank to the ground, girder bangs hole into center ;p
<stratochief> drop forged tank
<KevinStarwaster> it's so special when a feral cat gives you their trust
<acc> :)
<HypergolicSkunk> hey Pap|HoneyDoList - the RO-from-CKAN-install is fine. in my other install (with additional mods) there must be some problem, because I get repeateable CTDs when changing the Root part in the SPH
<stratochief> blech, the ground nearish dawn or dusk with RSS/RO and no RSSVE or Scatterer looks dark. also, the PQS/SS transition looks odd/dim as well
Wetmelon has joined #RO
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<KevinStarwaster> Anyone else remember when Remote Tech had steerable antennae?
<Agathorn> you mean the ability to target? Did that get removed?
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<KevinStarwaster> agathorn: Meaning only that the antenna would visibly point in the direction it was transmitting
<Agathorn> oh I think that left a long time ago
TonyC has joined #RO
dpeter99 has joined #RO
<dpeter99> hi
<stratochief> o/
<stratochief> dpeter99: ^
<dpeter99> so i was wandering if somebodíy could help me whit #1656
<stratochief> RO#1656 ?
<Qboid> [#1656] title: Add support for SpaceY | http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/90545-122-spacey-heavy-lifter-parts-pack-v116-2017-01-30/... | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/issues/1656
<dpeter99> yup
<stratochief> which bits were you hoping to config first? engines?
<dpeter99> yes
<dpeter99> and if the landing legs require anithing
<stratochief> were you intending to model them after real engines, or just give them realistic-ish stats/behaviour
<dpeter99> just the stats
<dpeter99> but i'm not the mod owner (I don't know if that is a problem)
<stratochief> meh, you're free to make configs to make a mod work with realfuels no matter who you are
<dpeter99> ok
<stratochief> do you intend to have them all burn the same real fuels, or different ones? common combos include kerosene+oxygen, hydrogen+oxygen, or hypergolics (storable liquids, like the Titan II or soviet Proton use)
<dpeter99> kerosene+oxygen
<dpeter99> from the wiki
<stratochief> the fuels that stock uses are most like hypergolics in their efficiency and density, and that they don't boil away
<stratochief> last time I used SpaceY, it had a subtantial range of engines. were you intending to make them all act like Merlins, or a specific few?
<dpeter99> well the problem is that i don't know why they have multiple engines
<stratochief> what what has multiple engines?
<stratochief> *why what?
<dpeter99> the mod
<stratochief> because some are big, some are small? some are low thrust, some are high. some are intended for vacuum use, others for surface/launch pad
<dpeter99> Moa, Kiwi, Moa, Penguin
<dpeter99> yes obviously but I thought these are supposed to be SpaceX replicas
<stratochief> right. so the ones with high vacuum ISP are meant for use in vacuum. even SpaceX has more than 1 type of engine, one type for the first stage and another for vacuum
<stratochief> have you played with RO or RealFuels before?
Sigma88 is now known as SigmaNomz
<stratochief> I ask, because there are a few Merlin & Merlin Vac currently configured within RO, and I'm curious if you've used them
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<dpeter99> well i haven't hound them
<stratochief> Some of the RP-0 requirements have a config for them, so that would be SXT or VSR. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/blob/master/GameData/RealismOverhaul/Engine_Configs/Merlin1_Config.cfg#L21-L24
<stratochief> IIRC, the ones that I've seen most recently that look like the real ones are the ones in SSTU
<dpeter99> ok found one
<dpeter99> called merlin
<stratochief> in game?
<dpeter99> yes!!!
<stratochief> do you know how to change between engine configs with RealFuels?
<dpeter99> yup
<stratochief> cool. so, you could configure surface ones on your first stage for launch, and a vacuum one for the upper stage
<stratochief> Theysen: is RSSVE compatible with the most recent Scatterer? if no, why not?
<Theysen> stratochief, with luck is last thing I heard
<Theysen> some people get unfixable artifacts, some get blue balls
<dpeter99> ok also i have many untextured parts
<stratochief> dpeter99: parts from which mod?
<dpeter99> RKK Energika is the ingame manufacturer
<dpeter99> russian engine
<dpeter99> but this is only a example
<stratochief> sure, but that could be from any mod really. could be you lack SXT or VSR, or have an incompatible version, for example. but with insufficient info, that is a random guess
<dpeter99> where can i find out what mod adds it exactly?
<stratochief> with right click, you should be able to see the part name. that might be enough, or you may want to search that part name in the RO Github to find the code that addes/configures it
<dpeter99> Block dm-sl
<dpeter99> but also a RD-0110
<stratochief> and what part mods do you have installed? I'd guess an odd version of soviet engines, that lacks textures is in there?
<dpeter99> i used ckan
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<stratochief> and so, one of the mods you installed through ckan lacks engine textures, or doesn't have them set up properly
<dpeter99> how can i know that (if it has the textures)?
<Theysen> i have a slight feeling the KIS mod on CKAN is still pulling the 1.3 version on a 1.2.2 install and crashes the game. the RO thread will be nice :)
<stratochief> Theysen: lol. that seems to fit with what I've seen in various comments about people moving to 1.3
<dpeter99> yes it does download the 1.3 version and i had to disable it
<stratochief> dpeter99: first, you'll need to figure out which mod is showing untextures parts. or, you could ingore them :P
<dpeter99> so some sample of the missing thextures
<dpeter99> these are from SovietEngines
<dpeter99> and they don't have a folder
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<hattivat> that's not missing, mate
<hattivat> that's their actual color in real life
<dpeter99> ?? were the painted white ?? really?
<hattivat> I think so, yes, common with Soviet engines
<hattivat> you should be able to see some markings in Russian
<hattivat> probably text in red with the name of the engine in Cyrillic script
<hattivat> a typical soviet engine looks like this IRL: http://www.russianspaceweb.com/images/rockets/engines/rd170/rd170_scale_2.jpg
<hattivat> so if you can see some small red text on your engines, then that is definitely the right texture and nothing is missing
<dpeter99> just like a untextured model (the text texture could be there) how friendly of these russians
<hattivat> haha, yeah
<dpeter99> also why did RO mark the landing legs as non-RO ?
<hattivat> probably because no one has bothered to research the topic and give them proper stats
<hattivat> yet
<hattivat> but you should be fine using them, the non-RO tag is just there for information
<dpeter99> and for hiding
<stratochief> yep, they might be too heavy or too light, too strong or too weak. you can compare them to the existing RO marked legs to see how they compare
<hattivat> yeah, if you wanted to play full-realism you would hide them and pick other parts
<KevinStarwaster> or they might have appropriate stats but nobody knows yet
<Agathorn> just realized i'm going to have to have some special handlgin for solid rocket stages given they don't have a separate tank
<dpeter99> why are the TAC life support containers marked as non ro
SigmaNomz is now known as Sigma88
<xShadowx> guesing - because proc part tanks is better than 100 cylinders if 3-4 sizes
<dpeter99> ok
<xShadowx> no idea if bug or not i dont use em :P just giving a plausable explanaition
<stratochief> anything marked non-RO hasn't been tagged as RO in the config. generally that means it hasn't had the config adjusted by RO in any way
<dpeter99> i know that
Pap has joined #RO
<hattivat> the advice to use procedural parts for tanks is good advice in general
<stratochief> dpeter99: well, that is the reaosn that any part is marked as non-RO...
<hattivat> using pre-sized tanks in RO is usually a bad idea, unless you are doing an exact replica of a particular rocket
<xShadowx> hmm mod idea, some partmodule to save/reload presets for <part>, supporting systems as proc parts, RF tanks, etc thats WIDELY configurable, and can be argued "this is a whole new part unlike that tank 1/2 the size"
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Niemand_303 is now known as Niemand303
<stratochief> yikes. landing legs large enough to support a Saturn V first stage should probably weigh more than 0.15T
<xShadowx> carbon fiber?
<stratochief> plus, the hydraulic ram, and hydraulic fluid?
<stratochief> or pneumatics, whatever it uses
<dpeter99> yup
<dpeter99> no it cant support it
<dpeter99> yust launched it whit the first sage
<dpeter99> *stage
<dpeter99> colapsed
<dpeter99> so i don't know what that 100000000 number was on the side
<dpeter99> also a mod idea: you have to load the fuel before launch
<dpeter99> and wait
<xShadowx> thats easy enough - clamps pump fuel already
<dpeter99> and would have those cool "smoke" effects (because of the cold fuel)
<xShadowx> coolrockets does the effects
stratochief is now known as stratochief|away
egg|zzz|egg is now known as egg
schnobs has joined #RO
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<KevinStarwaster> stratochief: make the landing legs out of a bullshitium-unobtanium alloy.
<Rokker> stratochief|away: oi
<Rokker> stratochief|away: busy launch week coming up
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<KevinStarwaster> you know, one of the scariest horror notions to me is the concept of once you know about them, they can see you. Or once you can see them then they can see you...
Thomas is now known as Thomas|AWAY
<Rokker> stratochief|away: oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
<Rokker> KevinStarwaster: oooo
<Rokker> spoopy
<KevinStarwaster> Lovecraft used that a lot in his Cthulu books
<KevinStarwaster> Clark Ashton Smith did that a bit too
<acc> J-2 unlocked \o/
<acc> let's get that apollo program rollin
Theysen has joined #RO
<Agathorn> Metal Earth models are really hard :(
* UmbralRaptor hands KevinStarwaster a Tillinghast resonator.
<acc> damn, max tank diameter in the way to mount 5*F-1
<acc> almost one year to unlock that
<KevinStarwaster> Stirring, dear sir? I told you it was dangerous to move. I have saved you so far by telling you to keep still—saved you to see more sights and to listen to me. If you had moved, they would have been at you long ago. Don’t worry, they won’t hurt you. They didn’t hurt the servants—it was seeing that made the poor devils scream so. My pets are not pretty, for they come out of places where aesthetic standards
<KevinStarwaster> are—very different. Disintegration is quite painless, I assure you—but I want you to see them. I almost saw them, but I knew how to stop. You are not curious? I always knew you were no scientist! Trembling, eh? Trembling with anxiety to see the ultimate things I have discovered? Why don’t you move, then? Tired? Well, don’t worry, my friend, for they are coming. . . . Look! Look, curse you, look! . . . It
<KevinStarwaster> ’s just over your left shoulder. . . .
<UmbralRaptor> ^_^
<KevinStarwaster> one of my favorite quotations in his stories
<egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a squeezable prompt-critical edge
<UmbralRaptor> Uh, does squeezing it induce criticality?
<acc> two 7.5Mm dishes should be fine for communication to mars, right?
<acc> s/7.5/75/
<Qboid> acc meant to say: two 75Mm dishes should be fine for communication to mars, right?
<acc> effective range 37Gm
Theysen has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<soundnfury> !tell NathanKell|AFK I have the beginnings of the glimmerings of a proof of concept: https://github.com/ec429/ksp_ris
<Qboid> soundnfury: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<KevinStarwaster> acc only if they're the fine china dishes
<KevinStarwaster> if my feral cat Martha Stewart had gone to school, her yearbook entry would have read: "Most likely to climb her human like a tree"
TM1978m has joined #RO
<Agathorn> very cool soundnfury. Did I inspire you? :)
<Agathorn> On my front I actually have state being passed betwene UIs, allowing the selection of engine and tank for stage construction. Seems minor but its very cool that different disparate pieces are finally talking to each other :)
<soundnfury> Agathorn: umm, you might have inspired the name? I forget who that came from.
<Agathorn> heh I meant insired you to do such a thing but i'll take my arrogance and wander off :)
<Agathorn> Need a break
<KevinStarwaster> it's pretty damned terrifying when MJ's landing guidance suddenly pops up a landing predictor in-world for my lunar rover
<KevinStarwaster> (because my wheels left the ground and I am now 'airborne')
<soundnfury> Agathorn: idk. The original idea came out of nowhere, so it's possible you might have inspired it for all I know ;)
<acc> hm, F-1 has no testflight integration. what is a realistic burn time?
TM1978m has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
darsie has joined #RO
<darsie> hi
Pap has quit [Ping timeout: 201 seconds]
<darsie> I have KSP 1.2.2 and RO+RSS are available in ckan, but RP0 is missing. Upgrade to 1.3? Wait? Or install RP0 anyways?
<darsie> I want to fly again, but it kept crashing too often :(.
<soundnfury> acc: S-IC burned for 165 seconds, according to wiki. So maybe 3 minutes tops?
<soundnfury> darsie: wait (RP-0 release for 1.2.2 should be coming soon I believe) or manually install.
<darsie> ok, cool. manually?
<acc> soundnfury: thanks
<darsie> manually ... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/93045-113-realistic-progression-zero-rp-0-lightweight-realismoverhaul-career-v051-july-4/
<soundnfury> darsie: you'll need to get the top-of-tree source tarball from github, and maybe also build Tree.cfg (which requires perl)
<darsie> soundnfury: ok ...
<soundnfury> the github is here https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0
<darsie> yeah, I'm there. Looking for the source tarball.
<soundnfury> click "Clone or download" (green button near the top)
<soundnfury> then "Download ZIP"
<darsie> ok.
<soundnfury> btw, if you don't have perl (to build Tree.cfg), you can just copy the Tree.cfg from the last release; it'll mean you're missing a few newly-configured parts, but it should still be playable
<darsie> I have perl on my debian.
<soundnfury> oh good, you're using best distro :)
<darsie> :), well, it has it's pros and cons.
<soundnfury> then, just go into the unzipped directory and 'make'
<darsie> I usually mess it up somewhat.
Senshi has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
<darsie> soundnfury: fatal: Not a git repository https://pastebin.com/1UXgLRU
<soundnfury> uh, okay... since you're not likely to be making any release zipfiles (which are the only thing that uses $(VERSION) in the Makefile), just do a "git init"
<soundnfury> (alternatively, if patient, clone the RP-0 repo)
<Agathorn> stupidly naive question..but does the same volume of different propellants have different mass?
<soundnfury> darsie: actually, git init probably won't do, because git describe will want a tag.
<soundnfury> so yeah, blow away that download you did before, and just 'git clone https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0.git RP-0'
<Agathorn> you can just make thr tree
<darsie> ok. I got: fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything.
<darsie> cloning ...
<soundnfury> Agathorn: yes, that's what density is...
<Agathorn> make GameData/RP-0/Tree.cfg
<Agathorn> soundnfury: ok so I need to use that to calculate the actual mass based on the propellants used
<soundnfury> Agathorn: yeah but then he won't into AVC version file
<Agathorn> you know the math off the top of your head?
<soundnfury> Agathorn: yup, mass = volume * density
<Agathorn> thanks
<darsie> soundnfury: Patient? That clone took 2 s or so.
<darsie> make succeeded
<soundnfury> darsie: huh, guess you have a fast network connection :) also RP-0 is smaller than I thought
<darsie> 100 mbps :)
<soundnfury> darsie: ok, so now you just grab GameData/RP-0 and copy it into your install, all should be good :)
<darsie> ok
<darsie> If I have the dependencies ...
<soundnfury> darsie: indeed, you'll need to figure those out. But I *think* they're all in CKAN now?
<soundnfury> I heard the other day that KCT was out at last, so you don't have to get that from a Jenkins server any more ;)
<darsie> I'll look. Right now some download for RSS and RO fails.
<darsie> Failed to download "https://addons-origin.cursecdn.com/files/2340/589/RCSBuildAid_v0.9.1.zip" - error: Error getting response stream (Write: The authentication or decryption has failed.): SendFailure
<darsie> If you're on Linux, try running: mozroots --import --ask-remove on the command-line to update your certificate store, and try again.
<soundnfury> oh yeah, the joy of getting https working in mono/CKAN.
<soundnfury> If that command it suggested doesn't work, I think there's something in the CKAN-client release notes about this.
<darsie> worked. It asked me about a lot of certs if I wanted to remove them and I said no a lot of times.
<darsie> Lack's SXT=SXTContinued by linuxgurugamer?
SirKeplan is now known as SirKeplan|ZZZ
NathanKell|AFK is now known as NathanKell
<NathanKell> o/
<darsie> hi NathanKell
<Probus> \o
<soundnfury> o/ NathanKell
<soundnfury> apparently /nicking doesn't cause Qboid to !tell your old nick :(
* soundnfury points NathanKell at the scrollback
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|AFK
<NathanKell|AFK> o/
<Qboid> NathanKell|AFK: soundnfury left a message for you in #RO [28.05.2017 21:44:18]: "I have the beginnings of the glimmerings of a proof of concept: https://github.com/ec429/ksp_ris"
NathanKell|AFK is now known as NathanKell
<NathanKell> ...oh, jeez, I thought you were just going to like save-file edit or something, you're actually writing the backend. Nice!
<NathanKell> Also...why did I expect anything else :D
<Agathorn> evening NathanKell
<NathanKell> stratochief|away, Pap|HoneyDoList - is there a golden sheet for RP-0? I hear tell we're with a bunch of *Continued mods now?
<NathanKell> heya Agathorn
<Agathorn> the golden sheet has a RP-0 tab
<Agathorn> so its the same sheet
TM1978m has joined #RO
<Agathorn> different day
<Agathorn> (couldn't resist)
* NathanKell headdesk
<NathanKell> thanks
<Agathorn> :)
<Agathorn> I'm deep into calculating stage properties so i've been head-desking a lot
<Agathorn> need to make a look up table for densities I guess
<NathanKell> yep
<Agathorn> Is there a better table than this one? http://www.braeunig.us/space/propel.htm
<NathanKell> don't forget rooskie and US mixture ratios are often very different, so you can't just have a density for a single propellant mixture...
<Agathorn> well i'm storing the mixture ratio separate so that shouldn't be a problem
<Agathorn> assuming I can get the ratio data
<NathanKell> ah cool
<NathanKell> and I'd say just use RO's numbers
<Agathorn> right now i'm mostly using the generic ratio and ISP data from the above page
<NathanKell> (in CRP)
<Agathorn> hah
<Agathorn> didn't think of that
<NathanKell> uh...Isp will vary a crapton based on cycle and nozzle
<Agathorn> yeah I know
<Agathorn> but its good enough for now
<NathanKell> like, NASA would have killed for 289s from kerolox in 1960. Heck, in 1980.
<NathanKell> Better bet would be to pick a representative engine for each, IMO (well, one each booster, upper, and pfed upper?)
<Agathorn> NathanKell: where do I find the CRP data for RO? Is that in the MFT repo?
<Agathorn> doesn't appear to be in CRP itself
<NathanKell> it is
<Agathorn> oh I was looking for ok never mind lol
<Agathorn> I thought i'd see cfg files with names of the resources
<NathanKell> "ok never mind lol" is hard to find, it's true. You'll have to look a lot. :P
<NathanKell> yeah, lotta people get confused by that.
<NathanKell> ~Boblogic~
<Agathorn> :)
<Agathorn> What unit is density in the cfg?
<NathanKell> tonnes per liter
<Agathorn> so if I need to calculate the overall wet mass based on volume, would I multiple that by volume then divide by 1000?
<Agathorn> for the mass in kg I mean
<NathanKell> what volume are you using?
<NathanKell> liters? m^3 ?
<Agathorn> yes
<NathanKell> .....
<NathanKell> one liter is 1/1000 a cubic meter. You don't get to 'yes' :P
<Agathorn> lol
<Agathorn> sorry i'm calculating volume simply from the diamter and height both in meters
<NathanKell> meters in, meters out
<Agathorn> so I assume it is m^3
<NathanKell> yeah
<Agathorn> which is what I was yessing to
<NathanKell> so you multiply by 1000 x 1000
<Agathorn> my brain didn't see the litres part until I opened my mouth
<NathanKell> :]
<Agathorn> so my volume in m^3 * 1000 * 1000 * density from cfg?
<NathanKell> you can cross-check, make something with a volume of 100 cubic meters. Fill it with kerosene. You should get 81,000 kg
<NathanKell> Yeah
<Agathorn> thanks!
<NathanKell> However it's probably best to store density in grams/cc (which is the same as kg/liter or tonnes/m^3)
<NathanKell> so multiply the cfg values by 1000 when you record them for yourself, and then multiply by 1000 for display
<Agathorn> cc = cubic centimeter?
<NathanKell> I say that because just about everybody uses g/cc for density (as that Bob Braeunig page shows)
<NathanKell> yeah
<Agathorn> cool
<NathanKell> err, it's ml, which is cc. Whatever
<NathanKell> It's just due to KSP recording all masses in tonnes not kg that we have that extra factor of 1/1000 in RF densities