<taniwha> Agathorn: probably a bug in the python bindings
<Pap> taniwha, If I wanted to set a contract that checked for fuel, but wanted it to be a wildcard term for the type, of fuel since there are so many, does one exist?
<taniwha> (or the documentation for them)
<Agathorn> works in MEL: hyperShade -listUpstreamNodes "myShader"
<Agathorn> Doesn't work in Pythong: cmds.hyperShade("myShader", listUpstreamNodes=True)
<taniwha> Pap: hmmm
<taniwha> probably your best bet is to look at engines
<taniwha> ie, check what resources they consume
waerloga has joined #RO
<Agathorn> Pap: doubt CC would support anything like that
<Agathorn> would probably need code, or convince Nightingale :)
<taniwha> and yeah, that's assuming CC lets you
<Agathorn> I can show you some C# code I wrote for kRPC though that deals with similiar internals
<taniwha> is Nightingale still active?
<Agathorn> no idea
<Pap> I was going to require the player to move a satellite from a Geostationary orbit to a Graveyard orbit, but I don't think I'll be able to get if there is enough Delta-v available in a craft to make it possible
<Pap> taniwha, no, nightingale is not around too much anymore
<leudaimon> doesn't CC allow you to check available delta-V?
<Agathorn> ^^
<Agathorn> all you need to do is require the sat carry X amounf ot extra ∆V and I think CC might be able to do that
<taniwha> Pap: a shame, but understandable
<Pap> Not that I can see in the Contract Configurator wiki, but I might be missing it
<Agathorn> probably wouldn't be hard to add
<leudaimon> so many mods get this info, shouldn't be hard...
<taniwha> Pap: going by his profile, he last visited the forums 4h ago, posted on the 25th
<Agathorn> of course adding it would require that Nightingale at least still takes PRs and does occosional releases, like I do with TestFlight
<Pap> I agree leudaimon
<taniwha> Pap: so likely busy and/or suffering burnout
<Pap> taniwha, yes, but I have posted a couple of Issues on CC in the last month or so and he hasn't responded to any of them
<Pap> correct taniwha
<Agathorn> stil,, I bet if someone gave a PR with the feature he'd put it in
<Pap> Or we can have rsparky do it since he modified it to have Principia contracts possible
<taniwha> Agathorn: possibly. clicking merge is easy, releasing is a RPITA
<Agathorn> yeah
<Agathorn> well depending no how much you do
<taniwha> (why EL updates are not as frequent as they should be)
<Agathorn> I have TF pretty automated so its not too much work for me
<Agathorn> except for the people on the forums complaining because I don't update the forum thread
<taniwha> for me, it's writing the release notes
<Agathorn> I just update GitHub and let CKAN pick up the changes
<Pap> lol
<Agathorn> I have the release notes automated :D
CobaltWolf has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client]
<Agathorn> Commit messages follow a structure and a python script uses the GH API to build release notes :D
<Agathorn> not perfect but good enough that it only takes me a few minutes of cleanup
<Agathorn> feel free to steal it
<taniwha> thanks
<taniwha> Agathorn: one thing I like is I've got the release version automated :)
<Agathorn> same
<taniwha> (and I know I've missed a step when I get somemod-ver-DEADBEEF-dirty.zip :)
<Agathorn> travis runs a python scrip that builds an AVC file and CKAN metadata automatically and sticks them in the ZIP..I just specify the version on the GItHub tag
<taniwha> "oh, darn, not only did I forget to drop a tag, I forgot a few commits"
<taniwha> "make release" -> Extraplanetary_Launchpads_v5.7.2.zip
<taniwha> doing that right now: Extraplanetary_Launchpads_v5.7.2.1-daab.zip
<taniwha> (no uncommitted changes)
<Agathorn> mine doesn't have that tight an integrationwith git
<Pap> The Vis Viva equation will tell me how much Delta-v is required to go from GTO to GEO, correct?
<taniwha> possibly more importantly, you could clone EL, check out a recent version, and get the same zip as I released
<taniwha> (don't remember when I got "make release" working)
<Agathorn> Whenever I make a release on GitHub, it gets processed by TravisCI which as part of its CI runs a couple Python scripts that takes the GitHub tag as a version number and builds an AV version file and a CKAN metadata file and then adds them to the ZIP along with the dlls
<taniwha> Pap: sort of
<taniwha> Pap: but it is the tool to use to find it
<taniwha> (rather it tells you the velocities at the points of interest on your trajectories, and from those you can determine the delta-v)
<Pap> thank you
<Pap> For a launch going to GEO, does a typical rocket launch, circularize, then push the Apogee where it is needed, or will they immediately push the Apogee out to GEO altitude
<taniwha> Agathorn: I don't remember where I got it, but I use FSF's git-version-gen shell script
<taniwha> first used it in quakeforge
<taniwha> (got tired of messing up version numbers)
<taniwha> or releases in general
<taniwha> "ugh, released without dropping a tag", "ugh, forgot to update the version in configure.ac", "uh, what version is it again?"
<taniwha> now "git tag" to verify what's next, drop new tag, release
<taniwha> "oops, forgot to push tag, no biggie"
<leudaimon> Pap, given you have to go all the way to the equator to raise your apo to GTO, I would guess most launches make a circular orbit or at least something close before that
<Agathorn> is it not more efficient to do the plane change at GTO?
<Agathorn> or just higher up?
<Pap> from what I was reading leudaimon they leave the GTO at the inclination of the launch site
<Agathorn> or is it better cloer to the planet?
<Pap> because it costs so much less Delta-v at apogee
<taniwha> Agathorn: generally, higher up
<Agathorn> yeah thats what I thought
<Pap> The slower you are traveling, the better it is
<taniwha> but it depends on your velocity at that point
<taniwha> since it's all about your velocity
<Pap> So does the Apogee of a GTO need to be on the Equator because it is the only AN/DN that exists for a GEO?
<taniwha> (if your TO velocity at the node is higher than your circular velocity in parking orbit, you're better off doing it low)
<taniwha> Pap: yeah
<taniwha> Agathorn: also, if you can combine your transfer burn and plane correction into one burn, even more savings
<leudaimon> exactly Pap
<taniwha> so the best place varies
<taniwha> (but in general, way out there)
<leudaimon> you have to raise your apo at the equator to have the correct AN... and a combined burn might be worth it, especially if you have excess delta-v in a stage that will be discarded after the burn
<taniwha> hah, I just realized why I don't use RO
<Pap> lol
<taniwha> the tyranny of Kerbal Alarm Clock
<Agathorn> ?
<Agathorn> KAC isn't by any means required for RO by the way
<taniwha> my list of alarms is plenty long enough as it is in a stock system
<soundnfury> what's wrong with KAC?
<Agathorn> I almost never used it
<Pap> ok, so I need to figure out where to burn from a launch at Cape Canaveral in order to kick the Apogee on the Equator
<taniwha> but with things being much slower in RO, that list would grow quite a bit :P
<Pap> Rocket Science is hard
<soundnfury> taniwha: depends what you're doing I guess
<soundnfury> but I find that, since KCT spaces launches out anyway, I don't tend to end up with many alarms
<Agathorn> I tended to focus on one thing at a time so I guess it just never became an issue
<taniwha> soundnfury: yeah, it's purely a play-style issue
<leudaimon> somewhere in Africa... MJ tells you your latitude
<soundnfury> I guess if your program consists entirely of missions to the Ice Giants, you might stack up a few concurrent missions ;)
<leudaimon> look at some spacex GTO launch video, they show the final burn above Africa
<taniwha> here's a recent one: http://taniwha.org/~bill/screenshot4135.png
<Pap> ok leudaimon that makes sense because when I launch in GEO to accomplish that first contract, I always wind up burning there
<Pap> Makes complete sense
<Pap> Rocket Science is Easy
<leudaimon> lol
<soundnfury> taniwha: are you planning to use all those planetary windows?
<soundnfury> I only bother to make alarms for the ones I want to launch into
<soundnfury> which, when playing an RP-0 career with KCT, is usually not many of them
<taniwha> eeloo I skipped (comms), duna: launched
<taniwha> up-coming moho: undecided
<taniwha> dres: will wait for the next one (it's cheaper as the encounter is at a node)
<taniwha> eve: definitely
<taniwha> Zimmer Bradly and LF Lift II are on their way to Jool
<taniwha> I do use real-plume, though:) http://taniwha.org/~bill/screenshot4129.png
<soundnfury> taniwha: that thing looks like a space_ship_ rather than a space_craft_ ;)
<taniwha> I realized after the fact that it looks a bit like Odyssey from 2001
<taniwha> soundnfury: I hope that's a good thing :)
<soundnfury> since you're not playing RO, it's a good thing
<soundnfury> in that it's clearly what you want, and I'm not going to judge you for being a stock weenie ;)
<soundnfury> (well, maybe a little.)
<taniwha> I'd do similar in RO, probably
* soundnfury wonders how many F-1s and M-1s it would take to launch that thing from Earth xD
<taniwha> soundnfury: and it's not /really/ what I want: what I want is a 120GW fusion plant feeding 14.7Ms Isp ion engines producing 150kN of thrust :)
<taniwha> (I figured 7.5GW of waste was resonabl)
<taniwha> 1000km/s ΔV
<taniwha> (still takes 8mo to get for Earth Pluto, though)
<taniwha> 4-6 of those burning
<taniwha> (I was doing RO-like stuff before I'd heard of KSP)
<soundnfury> taniwha: ... and a pony?
<taniwha> no, very little hand-wavium
<taniwha> however, I did have to abandon the project
<taniwha> shielding killed it
<taniwha> well, shielding and the cube-square law
<taniwha> iirc, even my radiators fit in the mass budget, but the shielding just stomped all over it
<taniwha> (and that was using a shadow shield)
<soundnfury> I shall remain sceptical of the possibility of such large ion engines, and of TWRs that don't suck
<taniwha> (the hand-wavium was in 1) polywell works, 2) it scales as predicted, 3) it's possible to make a 10T magnet 10m-15m across (ie, structural materials)
<taniwha> oh, and that such ion engines would be possible
<taniwha> soundnfury: overall TWR: 0.01
<soundnfury> (seriously, what the hell kind of mission optimises at 14.7Ms? that's crazy)
<taniwha> leaving LEO for lunar l4 took several swings around Earth
<taniwha> (was fascinating watching the orbit both stretch out and swing round like that)
<taniwha> (I had done up an N-body simulator in blender)
<soundnfury> I bet it didn't have as many integrators as principia
<soundnfury> (I make no comment on which is better. But principia has more integrators ;)
<taniwha> heh, no, pretty simple
<taniwha> but I made sure it was good enough for a few lunar orbits
<taniwha> (not just simple Euler, either)
<taniwha> that's wrong before the first orbit is done :P
<taniwha> also had fun with 32-bit floats :/
<taniwha> (had to write my own vector lib in python so I could use doubles because blender's vectors are all float)
<taniwha> the Moon was moving octagonally before I fixed that :P
<soundnfury> wat.
<taniwha> (actually, may have been a bit better, but I did notice it was moving in straight lines)
Sigma88 is now known as SigmaAway
<soundnfury> I'd love to hear more stories of octagonal orbits, but it's 2AM and I should really be |zzz|
<soundnfury> !wpn taniwha
* Qboid gives taniwha an average FORTH
<taniwha> hah
<taniwha> wanted to try out that language
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<taniwha> soundnfury: to shorten that story: when I heard of Krakensbane in KSP, I simply nodded
<taniwha> (I had designed, by not implemented, my own version a few years earlier)
<stratochief|away> Pap (et al) I'm still reading through backchat, so you may have already resolved this. but we, could make station contracts more 'loosy goosy' if we have to, to get around the issue where a craft ID changes when you send up resupply. or we might solve it through lateral thinking, like tracking the astronauts instead of the vessel?
stratochief|away is now known as stratochief|backchat
<Pap> stratochief|backchat, what would you mean by loosey goosey?
<taniwha> stratochief|backchat: craft id for the station shouldn't change if you keep your vessel types correct
<taniwha> KSP has well defined rules for which vessel becomes the "mother ship" and thus does not change ID
<taniwha> first check is vessel type :)
<taniwha> then mass, then age, iirc
<taniwha> base > station > ship > probe > debris
<Pap> that is all correct taniwha but what happens is the way that Duration records are handled in RP-0, they are not attached to any specific vessel, they just exist
<taniwha> oh, yeah, duration records
<taniwha> I complained about that back somewhere around 1.0-1.0.5
<Pap> I truly think it is an error with how CC handles it, but I couldn't be sure without knowing what was going on in the background
<taniwha> NK said he'd tackle it, but never had the time
<taniwha> hmm, however, a mod might be able to fix it
<taniwha> worst case: replace ModuleDockingNOde
<stratochief|backchat> Pap: schnobs: I don't play with RT, for what it is worth. including a 'friendly reminder' that a player should have an antenna > X seems sane though. or. linking the opening of those contacts to the tech that gives the antennas good enough?
<taniwha> Pap: the problem is the vessel's flight logs get destroyed when it becomes a child in the docking process
<Pap> taniwha, is that the way that KSP handles it, or CC?
<taniwha> KSP
<Pap> I understand
<taniwha> thus the mentions of NK and hacking docking ports above
<Pap> That might have to change with the new Making History Mission Builder
<taniwha> don't count on it
<Pap> lol, I don't count on anything
<taniwha> KSP resources: "oh, cool, can't wait to try this out". try it out "what? booooring"
<taniwha> er, ISRU
<stratochief|backchat> !tell CobaltWolf unique Titan! I've never seen a 5 engine Titan core before, I must've missed that
<Qboid> stratochief|backchat: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<taniwha> Pap: also, I've been able to break docking nodes a few times in 1.2
<taniwha> (doing weird things with docking order, but helped by EL)
<stratochief|backchat> !tell Theysen nice Wolf of Wallstreet reference yesterday :)
<Qboid> stratochief|backchat: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<taniwha> big thing I learned the other day: do not dock a ship that is mislabeled as a base to a station via a docking port still attached to a ship built by EL
<taniwha> (actually broke both the docking port /and/ EL)
<Pap> haha
<taniwha> fortunately, I had a quicksave from not long before the docking
<taniwha> I then spent an hour chasing the section to which I wanted to dock because it was uncontrolled (I released it from EL's dock before attempting to dock)
<taniwha> didn't go well. had to get out a kerbal, bolt a dockotron jr to the section, then dock a tug to that
<taniwha> actually, had to /build/ that adapter
<taniwha> it was a tad stressful :P
<taniwha> (since then I've been thinking about how I can prevent such problems in EL)
<taniwha> one idea: disable docking ports on vessels attached to the orbital dock
<taniwha> (ick)
<Pap> Fast forward to after taniwha implements his new docking port lock out - On the EL Forum Post: "I can't dock my vessels together when it is attached to the orbital dock. Mod broken. Please add CKAN Support. Do I need to install the mod for it to work?"
<taniwha> Pap: thus "ick" :)
<Pap> lol
<taniwha> (/I/ dock like that all the time: it's only because the docking vessel was mis-marked as a base that I ran into problems)
<taniwha> despite having put orbital construction into EL, I still like to do orbital construction via docking (now, I build the sections in orbit rather than fly them up)
<taniwha> and most of those sections are uncontrolled, so it's best to dock with them while they're still attached to the station
<Starwaster> Yup. Gordon Dry is definitely getting on my last nerve
<taniwha> until the docking ship is wrong :P
<taniwha> Starwaster: have some gin, I guess
<Starwaster> I think I don't like gin? Or something?
<taniwha> meant to go with "dry"
stratochief|backchat is now known as stratochief
<Pap> stratochief, o/
<stratochief> finally made it through the backchat! christ, you guys talked about programming a lot. my eyes are nearly bleeding ;P
<Pap> lol, I asked a couple of questions, it snowballed from there
<taniwha> stratochief: :)
<taniwha> I hope you didn't follow my links
<stratochief> Pap: by 'loosey goosey', I mean not demanding that it be a unique, new crewed craft. is there any way to just track individual astronauts?
<taniwha> stratochief: /that/ seems to work for CC's tourism contracts
<stratochief> perhaps CC wouldn't be able to check and confirm you did the mission properly until you checked the astronaut back in on recovery. and that might be vulnerable to cheaters who keep the astronaut on the ground or splashed down or something for part of the 'duration :P
<Pap> well stratochief the issue that is going to happen is it is the auto-generated/accepted duration contracts so they aren't really attached to anything
<taniwha> (eg, the tourists need to be there for 40 days)
<stratochief> taniwha: good to know. I don't know enough contract stuff to know if that might be borrow-able for duration records or station missions, but it is an idea
<taniwha> stratochief: those contracts check even what non-tourist crew is there
<taniwha> (space camp missions: 13 tourists, 3 crew (pilot, engineer, scientist), 40 days, orbit around Kerbin (so far)
<Pap> I have done it other ways because you can pull a list of Kerbals off a vessel and make them as the parameter, don't know if possible the way it is set up, let me do some digging
<stratochief> Pap: sorry, I probably won't be able to try out your contracts this week. busy week going on, and I've already got 2 meetings scheduled for the weekend. *madness*
<stratochief> taniwha: did they just throw bucket seats in the shuttle cargo bay? that is a hell of a lot of tourists
<Pap> no problem stratochief I have been playing through them and fixing what needs to be fixed
<taniwha> stratochief: it's a RPITA
<taniwha> first time, it took a few flights to get them all up there
<taniwha> second time, I used 3 hitchhiker cans and an Mk1-2 pod
<taniwha> (and then recycled the thing)
<taniwha> actually, first time, I flew the tourists up in station sections :)
<stratochief> Pap: if you're currenting thinking on station contracts, I'd like if there was an option for a 1, then 2 person station. ie. something like the proposed Mercury station or Gemini MOL should be an option to build station experience before big Skylab class ones
<taniwha> (and built the station at the same time)
<Pap> stratochief, the question is, in contract terms, what is the difference between a regular ship and a station?
<stratochief> Pap: very good question. docking ports, where only one side has any ablator? :P
<stratochief> more than one part that accepts crew, maybe? a part that accepts crew but has no ablator?
<taniwha> lack of engines?
<taniwha> (hey, it's a "station", implies "stationary" (as best as one can while falling and missing))
<leudaimon> energy self-sustainable?
<Starwaster> even stations need boosting
<stratochief> taniwha: trick is, while a station is active, it also has the crew capsule attached. also, the MOL has a trans-stage that put it orbit, and there is no point dumping those engines once you've achieved station orbit
<taniwha> stratochief: use a docked ship for that
<Starwaster> I want so badly to play this game again... I hope I can start doing that soon
<taniwha> also, there's the vessel type :P
<taniwha> Starwaster: just do it
<Starwaster> cant, too busy working on various mods
<stratochief> Starwaster: set mod goals, schedule a break/vacation?
<taniwha> what reason do you have to work on mods if you don't get to use them?
<stratochief> everyone needs a break, or else -they- break :P
<Starwaster> and I still haven't even got to Ioncross which is the only life support mod I ever gave a damn about (and which is only maintained by yours truly)
<taniwha> stratochief: too true, too true
<Starwaster> on that note I think I'll go kill some zombies. That usually helps me not break
<taniwha> won't help your motivation to work on mods, though
<stratochief> Pap: defining a station is a hard one. but we don't need a perfect definition, just something more better than the bugged one we have now
<stratochief> anyway, sleep soon. prepare to lose me!
<taniwha> but you just got here
<stratochief> I had to read through all dat backchat, bro
<Pap> stratochief, what I mean for the contract is that the Duration missions already take care of what a single or 2 person station would accomplish, so the player can use one of those to make a one person station, it accomplishes the same thing since the original single person station contract would be duplicative of that
<taniwha> stratochief: I know
<stratochief> Pap: good point, good point.
<stratochief> taniwha: what did you mean by KSP resources? stock ISRU?
<taniwha> yes
<stratochief> I found stock ISRU a bit dull and unnecessarily confusing, with the "need moar radiators" mechanic. but stock has such low dV requirements, ISRU feels pointless outside of rollplay
<Pap> stratochief, we miss you, work isn't important
<waerloga> sock may have low dV requirements, but sock stuff is HEAVY too
<Pap> neither is sleep
<stratochief> Pap: backchat tells me you guys had plenty of fun comparing programming languages over single malts while I was busy :)
<waerloga> mmm single malts
<taniwha> stratochief: it was the insta-scan that put me off
<stratochief> waerloga: if your socks are heavy, get new socks
<Pap> I am in class, no beers for me...yet
<taniwha> I've mined ore (only because of a contract), but never processed it
<taniwha> Kethane is much more interesting
<stratochief> taniwha: yeah, I hear you. I can see the idea behind the insta-scan abstraction. ScanSat already perfected scanning, IMO.
<stratochief> although that opinion was formed without having tried Kethane until last week. I moved to RSS/RO before adding Kethane to my stock
<taniwha> I /like/ scanning (via kethane) for resources
<taniwha> and wondering if that unscanned hex between two scanned hexes has anything
<waerloga> kethane or scansat would have been a good way of scanning
<stratochief> the stock scanning abstraction avoids 1. waiting and 2. figuring out orbital harmonic/ratio with the planet's rotation. I always fail at selecting a good scanning orbit, and keep missing sections eternally :)
<taniwha> the only problem with kethane's scanning is it doesn't work in the background
<taniwha> (I plan on fixing it, but I need to work on EC management when unloaded)
<taniwha> stratochief: the thing with kethane is you don't need a good scan
<waerloga> wasn't there another mod that'd process EC while unloaded?
<taniwha> waerloga: need to do it right, though
<taniwha> I don't trust most mod authors to do things right :P
<waerloga> hah
<waerloga> NIH eh? :P
<taniwha> no
<taniwha> not NIH
<taniwha> vaguely resembles it, though
<taniwha> waerloga: however, I have good reason: tail -f KSP.log
<stratochief> alright, g'nite!
stratochief is now known as stratosleep
<taniwha> cya
<waerloga> heh
<waerloga> so rebuilding ksp itself then? :)
<taniwha> waerloga: I spent 8 months doing that last year :P
<taniwha> one of the things I did caused .sfs files to grow by a few percent
<taniwha> (about 13%)
NathanKell|AFK is now known as NathanKell
<NathanKell> o/
JPLRepo has quit [Quit: So Long and thanks for all the Fish!]
<xShadowx> o/
<xShadowx> just minutes after strato left :P
<xShadowx> taniwha: 'do it right' = vesselmodule?:D
* xShadowx wants a vesselmodule for solar panels to work right
<taniwha> xShadowx: part of it, yes
<taniwha> hi, NathanKell
<NathanKell> o/
<taniwha> problem is, PartSet :(
<NathanKell> what's the problem there?
<taniwha> need to come up with a way to deal with it for unloaded vessels
<xShadowx> tell it to make itself?o.O
<taniwha> doesn't do protoparts
<xShadowx> ah
<NathanKell> um...protoresources are fast now
<NathanKell> so that's easy enough
<NathanKell> no more string conversions
<taniwha> it's the flow rules
<taniwha> (want to do it for more than just EC)
<taniwha> like I said: "do it right" :)
<NathanKell> so just make your own partsets and keep them around :P
<taniwha> that's what I was thinking
<NathanKell> problem is for never-loaded vessels
<taniwha> do those exist?
<taniwha> (other than asteroids)
<NathanKell> Well, I meant if you didn't serialize
<NathanKell> if you do then you're fine, just deserialize in the VM
<taniwha> ah, yeah. I planed on serializing
<NathanKell> kk
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<xShadowx> taniwha NathanKell you guys were around when ish ksp first went public? did it have kerbals from the start? i thought i remembered somethin about longer legs but googling is failing ;3
<NathanKell> I was not
<NathanKell> I'm a latecomer
<NathanKell> egg|zzz|egg and ferram4 are elders
<taniwha> xShadowx: 0.19.1 for me
<taniwha> even had wheels when I started
<Pap> o/ NathanKell
<NathanKell> o/
<Pap> NathanKell, if you have time over the next few days, I would love some feedback on the contract changes
TM1978m has joined #RO
<NathanKell> ok! Will do my best but might have to wait for the weekend :)
<Pap> no problem with that!
<NathanKell> :)
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|AFK
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<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn ferram4
* Qboid gives ferram4 a tau base with a semigroup attachment
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<acc> mornin
Theysen has joined #RO
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<Theysen> is there a mod pack with bi directional rcs thrusters configured for RO RP-0? I'm tired of configuring early rcs thrusters myself Im so lazy :D
<Qboid> Theysen: stratochief|backchat left a message for you in #RO [10.05.2017 01:20:24]: "nice Wolf of Wallstreet reference yesterday :)"
<acc> Theysen: yeah, I know that problem :D
<acc> that's why I put my LVs and upper stages in subassemblies
<acc> build payload, strap on upper and LV and done
<Theysen> did that too now, no idea how many times I already built an ablestar upper just to build it again because I forgot to sub
<acc> heh
<Theysen> and when it then completely fucks up the neatly staged subassembly
<Theysen> RAGE
<acc> :D
<acc> btw tyler raiz is doin a setup RO/RSS/etc series on yt atm
<acc> for 1.2.2
<Theysen> whats that?
<Theysen> how to install?
<acc> yes
<acc> install, configure, building
<acc> the basics basically
<Theysen> gg more people crying for support on a unsupported dev version /s
<acc> heh
<acc> nah, he mentioned that
<Theysen> RO RP-0 in 1.2.2 is so unbelievably stable and fast now.. I love it
<Theysen> no more damn crashes, it just works
<acc> absolutely
<acc> yesterday I put in the 8k RSS textures and put all the gfx settings to the max
<acc> it's scratching hard my RAM limit, but is running fine
<Theysen> ive got 8 gb ram and never a single crahs with all the nice stuff
<acc> I might switch to the 4k, until I get some more RAM. but I'm happy with the performance at all
<acc> me too
<Theysen> i just get rid of EVE because I plummet to a solid 2 fps at the moment with that during launches. thanks but no thanks
<Theysen> okay Tyler Raiz might have a little too many KSP installs lol
<acc> oh, ok. I have no problems with EVE
<acc> yes :D
<Theysen> alright everyone will get linked to that video from now on as long as we don't have an official release
<Theysen> stealing a nice 35 minutes from their lives :^)
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<acc> heh yep
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<Theysen> first impactor first try success. I tell you, testflight is too nice on me this time of the year :D
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<acc> same here
<acc> need to fix my garden for summer. later guys
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<Theysen> my reentry capsule just bombed Cuba, Crisis confirmed
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<Pap> o/ Theysen o/ acc
<Theysen> hey Pap
<Pap> Got the new contracts working in your new career?
<Theysen> I copoed it over and it works fine so far :)
<Theysen> though I am doing human flights atm
<Theysen> Periapsis at 70km is the slowest reentry I've ever done sigh
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<Theysen> Pap, but the stock satellite contracts are still appearing unfortunately
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<Pap> Theysen, that is really strange. I don't get any of them anymore. Did you delete the whole Contracts folder before putting in the new ones?
<Theysen> i just copy pastad that might be it
<Pap> Yeah, that might be it
<Theysen> one slight note: the old Human Orbital contracts showed the crew number in the contract title
<Theysen> the new one is just called Orbital Flight (Manned) ?
<Pap> They do now as well if it is more than one, I will add some text to let the player know it is one crew
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<Pap> alright, done
<Theysen> roger, will redownload your branch and restart soon
<Pap> Theysen, you won't need to restart your career either, the missions will all work with everything you have done (including the old contracts) I worked to make it all backwards compatible
<Theysen> I got yes that transitioned nicely up to now :) I dropped them in before I made the first himan orbit, the only contract I got from the sounding rocket era was the bio sample one where there was none before iirc
<Pap> Yep! That is exactly how it should have worked, good!
<Theysen> I once created little contracts for me in the scope of maybe doing a mod out of it - I scrapped that because noobiness and time mostly - where you get asked to deliver stuff into GSO, roleplaying Launch providers basically for "end game"
<Theysen> * for myself
<Pap> Yeah, that is a contract type I want to add. The only hang-up I have is that you still needed to create the "payload" correct?
<Pap> I am trying to figure out a creative way to force the player to have to have a certain mass payload required
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<Theysen> yes exactly
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<github> [RealismOverhaul] PhineasFreak opened pull request #1636: Aestus/Aestus II engine updates & fixes (master...RO-Aestus-Updates) https://git.io/v9Xpc
<rsparkyc> would anyone be able to try to reproduce this?
<Qboid> [#3] title: SRB nozzle placed wrong when combined with RSS and Principia | You get a nozzle position that looks like this: http://imgur.com/zE2miKa | https://github.com/Starwaster/ProceduralParts/issues/3
<rsparkyc> trying to see if it's Principia on a mac vs windows that's causing it
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<Theysen> Pap, reinstalled your contracts folder freshly, still stock earth satellite besides the new ones
<Pap> Theysen, that is very confusing
<Theysen> even CC gui doesn't state the old ones
<Pap> Wait...with the way contracts are generated, is there any chance these are not new contracts, but contracts that were offered already? Those are saved in the Persistant save file
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<Theysen> ah dang right
<Theysen> ...
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<CobaltWolf> So... this is prolly my favorite rocket I've ever made https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/206181796164009984/311654178722414592/screenshot554.png
<Qboid> CobaltWolf: stratochief|backchat left a message for you in #RO [10.05.2017 01:18:10]: "unique Titan! I've never seen a 5 engine Titan core before, I must've missed that"
<CobaltWolf> (there's an image at the end of that message)
<CobaltWolf> stratosleep: Yeah number 14 on this page. http://www.spacelaunchreport.com/titannot.html
<CobaltWolf> stratosleep: basically large diameter (4m or more) Titans were proposed a number of times over the years. For BDB I'm just simplifying it to the one design that's representative of 5m (so 3.125m in KSP) in order to fill out that size. The only thing there right now is the S-IV upper stage for Saturn 1
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<Pap> @CobaltWolf, want to create a model and texture for a Commercial Satellite to be launched in contracts for RP-0?
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<CobaltWolf> Pap: ?
<Pap> It would be one part all welded together and would not need any animating
<CobaltWolf> oh
<CobaltWolf> where's the fun in that
<Pap> CobaltWolf, we are trying to create contracts that are basically representative of commercial satellite contracts now. You have to being Payload X weighing X tons to a Geostationary Transfer Orbit
<Pap> The only way to really do it correctly is to have a Part Requirement
<Pap> Once the contract is successfully accomplished, the player actually loses control over the craft and it disappears, but they get the money for the contract
<CobaltWolf> what are we talking about here? Does the satellite have its own propulsion?
<CobaltWolf> why wouldn't it need to be animated? Won't it need solar panels?
<Pap> Yes, most satellites are only contracted to be moved to GEO Transfer Orbit
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<CobaltWolf> So what is it exactly? Just a probe core?
<Pap> Doesn't need to be animated because once the contract is accomplished (deliver to GTO) then the "satellite" part you would create is removed from control by the player. Essentially it will disappear
<Pap> I'll try to find some images to give you an idea
<Theysen> If you could design a nice fat telecommunication satellite that would be bliss
<CobaltWolf> just like a big box? haha
<CobaltWolf> I wanna do the TOPEX bus
Olympic1 is now known as Olympic1|Away
<Pap> I would accept a TOPEX bus as the model
<Theysen> satellites are so freakin huge, I'd never thought that. ESA's museum taught me different. Makes sense though when reading Payload Fairings diameter
<Pap> I will then use CFG files to create Parts that simulated different sizes and different masses using the same model
<CobaltWolf> @Pap no that's just for me
<Pap> lol
<Rokker> Theysen: you should see the KH-9 Hexagon at the NMUSAF
<Pap> Basically something like this...
<Rokker> that's a big bastard
<Pap> Rokker, I couldn't believe how big those Spy Satellites are. They are crazy big
<Theysen> wot
<CobaltWolf> yeah Hexagon is basically the side of a school bus
<Rokker> Theysen: 100 km of film
<Rokker> to be returned on those little capsules
<Rokker> Pap: you been to the nmusaf?
<Pap> CobaltWolf, here is an image of the entire payload that was delivered by Ariane 5, then it is responsible for getting to GEO https://assets.cdn.spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/03171758/hm7b_shutdown.png
<CobaltWolf> neato
<Pap> Rokker, I have not, that is all on my bucket list, including the Saturn V museum
<Theysen> their sylda is nice yes for the Ariane 5
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<Rokker> Pap: it's really cool seeing the hexagon and then turning around and seeing a titan iv
<Pap> CobaltWolf, any interest? (seriously no pressure, it's not like you don't have enough to do)
<Pap> Rokker, is that the Air & Space Museum in Washington DC?
<Pap> Rokker, nevermind, that is the one in Ohio
<Rokker> nah, national museum of the USAF in Dayton ohio
<CobaltWolf> Pap: I guess? I just am not sure I follow exactly what you want. A part that's a full satellite in a single part, complete with power, engines, etc?
<HypergolicSkunk> oh how awesome that would be to copy SpaceX' satelitte plans
<HypergolicSkunk> the max I've ever done in that regard was a sat-bus for 2x4 sats to Jupiter. that part count, that FPS.... <3
<Pap> CobaltWolf, I want it to be as stupid simple as possible for you. But yes, essentially a Satellite Bus attach to a payload adapter attached to an SRB upper stage that has the same diameter as the Satellite
<Pap> Then I can very simply scale the part to different sizes in order to simulate the different payloads
<CobaltWolf> Oh so you don't even need to deliver it to the target orbit? Just LEO?
<Pap> correct!
<Pap> There will be other contracts for full delivery to GEO, but those will be controllable by the player
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<CobaltWolf> oh
<CobaltWolf> so as far as the player's concerned it might as well be a mass simulator?
<Theysen> Exactly
<Pap> CobaltWolf, I would think that you can use old stuff you already have for BDB and stick them together to make it a single part
<Theysen> just a dummy mass which looks better than yet another procedural tube XD
<Pap> Exactly CobaltWolf
<CobaltWolf> I mean I guess
<CobaltWolf> Idk it just sounds so much less fun like that
<Pap> Don't worry CobaltWolf there are a ton a satellite missions already
<Pap> Weather Satellites, Military Satellites, Communications Satellites
<Pap> This is just one of the many available facets., but a really cool addition because of the realism of it
<CobaltWolf> Pap: I think the better idea would be to convert all the rest of the BDB parts to RO, then just make a welded one through the MODEL { } node :P
<Pap> CobaltWolf, it is all in process, but I think there needs to be a nice Satellite Bus added!
<Rokker> Pap: here's all the spacey stuff at the nmusaf https://imgur.com/a/75ARO
<Rokker> tho still waiting on the damn IUS
<Theysen> BDB actually *would* be a faster conversion than other mods since we can copy pasta many of the stuff from FASA
<Theysen> but then since we have FASA nobody actively proceeds with this and the other nice stuff we don't already have isnt put in
<Pap> Theysen, that is what I have been doing, but taking on the contracts and tech tree have pushed the BDB stuff to the back burner
<Theysen> I'm visioning stuff here to turn into a mod once I can code lol
<Pap> That's pretty awesome Rokker
<Rokker> Pap: supposed to get an X-37B whenever they finally retire it
<Pap> I want to go see all the stuff
<CobaltWolf> (I like BDB better than FASA but I'm somewhat opinionated on that matter)
<Theysen> oh why so? :P
<Pap> Actually, 2 years ago yesterday I was at Pearl Harbor and looked at all the museum stuff there as well
<CobaltWolf> idk I just like BDB better for some reason
<Rokker> Pap: they have some good exhibits on pearl harbor and stuff as well
<Rokker> Pap: I'm a bit biased, but I'd say that the NMUSAF is the best air and space museum in the world
<Theysen> CobaltWolf, I'd actually have used BDB in a stock install long time ago but for the sake of it I was fed up with the different Rocket names and parts than the ones in real life and I wasn't motivated enough to go learn them lol :D :D that's why I play RO so I can google it and be done :D :D
<CobaltWolf> Oh, there's a MM config to make everything have the real names haha
<Theysen> and they were OP af in stock so yeah :D let's configure the rest
<CobaltWolf> See it's a fucking pain in the ass, because if I name everything the real thing then people complain it's not stockalike and they complain about how everything is only meant to go together one way and they don't want to feel like it's a Revell kit...
<Pap> Rokker, it is only a 5 hour drive from me. Now I have to convince my wife there are other nice things to see in Dayton, anyone have ideas?
<CobaltWolf> Oh, they're not OP in stock. They're balanced pretty much perfectly against the stock parts. It's because the stock system is at something like 1/3 scale but the rockets are at like 2/3 scale
<Rokker> Pap: how does she feel about amusement parks
Sigma88 is now known as SigmaTrain
<Theysen> CobaltWolf, might have been early after your beginnings with the mods but I built an early vanguard replica and ended up with 4k of delta v or so, didn't bother at that time though I'm sure it's fine by now
<Pap> She used to love them, but now she will throw up if I even ask about them, but Cedar Point is awesome
<Rokker> Pap: neil armstrong museum is an hour to the north and good for an hour, kings island is an hour to the south, cedar point is 3-4 hours north
<Rokker> dayton typically has a good concert selection in the area
<CobaltWolf> Theysen: yeah no, in the stock system you have thousands of extra delta V. Because they're properly balanced.
<Pap> Rokker, I am going to have to send her and my daughter off to do something while I am at the 2 museums for 10 hours! lol
<CobaltWolf> It's like, either I can make everything ridiculously underpowered compared to every other part (much less fuel for a given volume tank, weaker engines etc)
<CobaltWolf> and then people complain because there's no reason to use the parts
<Theysen> CobaltWolf, so your models are all consistently scaled down and otherwise properly dimensioned? So a quick rescale for RO would suffice?
<CobaltWolf> or I balance against the other parts, I'm the same as every other mod, and let people rescale the system for ALL their parts if things are too easy
<Rokker> Pap: honestly, i kinda recommend 2 days at the museum, especially if you do the restoration tour
<CobaltWolf> @Theysen No, not at all. There's a ton of rounding to make everything work in stock...
<Pap> Theysen, yes, would you like the spreadsheet of the correct rescale values?
<Theysen> contradicting statements, please clarify :)
<Rokker> Pap: we got some really nice parks and stuff, but yeah, the biggest problem with dayton is that aviation history is the biggest thing we have going for us
<Theysen> think of a real agency mod, based beside the tech tree idea where everything you do is like real life contracting work, making deals, getting customers to use your launchers, buying the orbit slots, maybe even in a FS economy a like multiplayer environment
regex has joined #RO
<Theysen> thanks gonna bm that
<Pap> That is all of the BDB rockets / parts with the proper rescale factor that needs to be applied to them, I have completed Apollo already
<Rokker> Pap: oh, my map picture left out the shuttle cockpit trainer that they got from houston and the satellite capsule catching plane used for the early keyhole sats
<Pap> Rokker, I have been looking at the pictures of all of the different areas
<CobaltWolf> Pap: I can't guarantee the lengths are correct though
<CobaltWolf> and obviously adapters probably won't be correct... but it doesn't matter cus y'all don't use the tanks I put so much time into haha
<Pap> The space stuff looks awesome, but I was a WWII and Modern Warfare enthusiast before I learned that I liked space even more
<Pap> CobaltWolf, the things being used as far as the parts that are not the fuel tanks are all correct, I did a lot of research into those
<CobaltWolf> cool
<Theysen> Pap, so you have complete apollo done? I'm concerned about "11 months old" configs in RO repo for BDB, I am unsure how much changed since then in the original mod
<Pap> For me, the best of all worlds CobaltWolf is to use JoseEduardo's SSTU Expansion that has the BDB textures with the SSTU procedural tanks
<Rokker> Pap: then maybe its best you dont visit the museum
<Rokker> Pap: you will never leave
<Pap> lol rokk
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<CobaltWolf> Theysen: well the Apollo wasn't in the mod 11 months ago
<CobaltWolf> so
<Rokker> Pap: memphis belle goes on display in about a year
<Pap> Is there a B-17 there already?
<CobaltWolf> Oh, I've seen MB before
<Rokker> Pap: yeah
<Theysen> CobaltWolf, talking about the stuff which got configured 11 months ago, not the Apollo one
<Pap> Well, my son will be born in November, how long do I have to wait to bring him to a museum with interest?
<Rokker> a B-17G named Shoo Shoo Shoo Baby
<Pap> Awesome
<Theysen> Probes, Solids, Vanguards
<Rokker> Pap: you can never start too young
<Pap> Theysen, there are some big issues with those configs
<Pap> I was fixing and starting from scratch with them
<Theysen> yes, and BDB latest stated SAVE BREAKING so I assume we can start over exactly
<Rokker> Pap: there is also a B-17D in the restoration hangar
<Rokker> oldest surviving B-17 and the only D left in existence
<Rokker> flew one of the first missions of WW2 doing a maritime patrol hours after pearl
<Theysen> Alright Pap, I'm gonna start with Centaur folder, see if I can get that right
<Pap> wow, that is hard to believe Rokker with the sheer number produced
<Pap> actually Rokker I can't believe there were only 42 B-17D's produced
<Rokker> Pap: well those were pre-war bombers
<Rokker> and they were a bit shit
<Pap> Yeah, just looked those numbers up
<Rokker> Pap: still used the bathtub gunner instead of a ball turret
<Pap> It isn't part of the group of B-17's that was due into Pearl the morning of the raid, is it?
<Rokker> nah
<Rokker> Pap: she was based in the philippines
<Pap> Wow
<Rokker> almost every plane at the museum has a history, and they are pretty amazing histories
<Pap> Theysen, that sounds good. As I said, I took care of Apollo and am most of the way through all of the probes and probe engines
<Rokker> Pap: they even have No Kum Sok's MiG-15. the one he defected from north korea in.
<CobaltWolf> Have y'all seen the updated Pioneer 1 and 4 probes for BDB?
<Pap> Rokker, that is really cool, I was going to ask how it survived the occupation of the Philippines, but that answered it well
<Rokker> Pap: yeah, got out last minute, basically
<Rokker> well not last minute
<Pap> alright, off to a meeting, I'll you all later
Pap is now known as Pap|Meeting
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Sarbian_ is now known as Sarbian
<Theysen> Someone give me a quick update on Engine configs for RO: When using the enginetype node I don't need anything else except the model scale and RSSROConfig = True to make it work correctly. My testings confirmed so, but I don't want to screw it up
<acc> Theysen: don't srew this up or we'll all die
<acc> screw
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jclishman is now known as jclishsleep
Pap|Meeting is now known as Pap
<Pap> Theysen, make sure to remove ModuleEngineGimbal if it exists
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<Pap> they
<Pap> Theysen, actually is is ModuleGimbal, as well as ModuleAlternator if applicable
<Theysen> didn't see any explicit deletion of those on configs I took for reference and didn't see any issues with them inside the game so far Pap ?
<Theysen> since the global engine configs take care of all that
<Pap> ok good Theysen
<Pap> some of those were removed on the ones I had referenced originally, so I removed them on every engine whether they needed it or not lol
<Theysen> only thing not working so far is the deletion of non-applicable configs, e.g. the RL-10B2 should only have that one config. It initializes with the correct config, but I can still select the other ones, I copied one of SirKeplan 's configs for that
<Pap> interesting, take a look at the Agena engine configs in the SSTU configs
<Pap> I know that they are limited
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<Theysen> NVM I got fooled by MM reload database :)
<Theysen> restart helped and it works as intended
<regex> I'm arguing with some Dipshit on facebook who's claiming that the Soviet moon-landing program wasn't a "priority" of the Soviet space program.
<Pap> ah, yes, the broken MM reload Theysen
<Theysen> It works to a certain degree :D
<Pap> The MM reload is like the Sex Panther cologne from Anchorman."60% of the time, it works everytime!"
<Starwaster> what the hell is up with ROverDude? So, I asked him politely to not use the same PartModule name for something that has existed ever since there was a Real Fuels and he just straight up ignores me. Not even the decency of a reply
<regex> I don't think I've ever had a pleasant experience talking to the guy.
<regex> Rover, that is
<Pap> Starwaster, I don't know him personnally, but everyone else that has, has never had nice things to say
<regex> Rover's gonna Rover, it's all about him.
<xShadowx> regex: i quit readint the sentence after arguing on facebook
<xShadowx> you can find a group on there to argue any topic >.>
<Starwaster> also, regex, the soviets themselves claimed that. Not that it was TRUE, just dissemination. I guess your guy just drank it up like koolaid
<regex> Starwaster yeah, I think that's likely what's going on. He also claims the U.S. moon landing was nothing more than a gigantic propaganda effort.
<regex> This in a thread in the Snopes group about some fake Buran article. How far we've fallen...
* xShadowx points at the potoshopped "moon laning" pictures with bad shadows and a waving flag
<xShadowx> ok too many typings to fix for bsing XD
<Pap> regex, people will fucking believe anything as long as it contrarian to what they are being told
<xShadowx> er typos
<xShadowx> -.-
<regex> hahaha Pap
<Pap> o/ regex
<Pap> Contract Question: What is a realistic amount of Power Generation that should be demanded for a "Bring a new Power Module to the Space Station Contract"?
* xShadowx wishes 2012 really did bring aliens
<Pap> The old Gigantor Solar Panels in stock generate 2.743, should I just double that and round down?
<xShadowx> imagine how humbled some people would be :|
<Theysen> caution, RO solar panels generate way different power PAP
<Pap> Theysen, I am using the RO power numbers
<Theysen> and sorry for yelling lol
<Theysen> I just read stock and double
<CobaltWolf> lol RD hates me. He sent me a bunch of PM's basically just telling me that he was almost as disappointed in me as my dad
<Theysen> for what :D
<Pap> I was just using the RO numbers of the modified Level 4 deployable solar panels
<CobaltWolf> Because I critiqued the Making History parts
<Pap> I will just make the number 4.0 per second
<CobaltWolf> and then all the billies piled on me
<CobaltWolf> 'if you complain it'll end up like the barn and we'll never get it'
<Theysen> you startled the witch , congratz XD
<Pap> That will be 4 of the Level 3 Large Deployable Solar Panels or 2 of the Level 4 ones
<CobaltWolf> Hang on I have a screenshot of the PM somewhere...
<xShadowx> with porkjet gone, someone had to fill the model making role :|
<CobaltWolf> the models are actually pretty great
<Pap> by somewhere, CobaltWolf means as his desktop background
<CobaltWolf> it's just he's bad at texturing because he doesn't put enough time into them
<CobaltWolf> or rather
<CobaltWolf> he has that $3000 Cintiq and he barely uses it
<CobaltWolf> oh
<CobaltWolf> whoops
<CobaltWolf> there
<xShadowx> what was the disapointing comment you sent :P
<Theysen> well they could actually jsut have paid you some sweet money and use your work for accurate "stockalike" parts tbf.. although I guess your texturing is already too specific for SQUAD
<CobaltWolf> Yeah I wound up actually sending him an apology cus I was trying to make it clear it wasn't personal at all, in fact the couple of interactions I had with him up until then were actually really pleasant. and he never replied
<CobaltWolf> what do you mean too specific? I've busted my ass for the last two years trying to emulate the style of the only decent artist they ever had
<CobaltWolf> you better hope it's specific... specific in that it fits...
<CobaltWolf> that fucking drove me nuts
<Theysen> I'm saying that your artstyle you chose for the whole mod might be too "realistic" in terms of how it is painted if SQUAD wants to maintain a neutral position with their paintings?
<Pap> I am glad that CobaltWolf wasn't contacted by Squad. He would have gone the way of Nightingale, Porkjet, NathanKell and more that worked there and then left the community for th emost part affterwards
<CobaltWolf> like, all the people saying 'he's not porkjet, how can you expect him to have the same artstyle'. Motherfuckers, have you ever worked on a game? Do you think, idk, in League of Legends every single asset looks different because they're made by different people? No, they all look the same. That's like step one of making art for a team is to make it all match
<Agathorn> :)
<xShadowx> ^
<Agathorn> yeah that is one of the jobs of an artist
<Agathorn> same in vfx of course
<CobaltWolf> Pap: yeah I'm glad I'm about to graduate with my VFX degree without a job
<Agathorn> style guides, etc
<xShadowx> if you cant atch team you dont belong with team
<xShadowx> match*
<Agathorn> CobaltWolf: VFX is hard to break into but once you get that first job, you are golden (unless you suck :D )
<Agathorn> Where do you live?
<CobaltWolf> I think I said the other day, my theory is that RD is the only one smart enough to have negotiated his contract and so he is getting paid more than pennies. And/or he also generally is bullying the other staff into gettinh what he wants haha
<xShadowx> Pap: to be fair half those who left squad are still here ;p
<CobaltWolf> Agathorn: Philadelphia but really don't care where I wind up.
<CobaltWolf> xShadowx: Barely tho.
<Pap> xShadowx, are they? I really didn't know that
<Agathorn> Well if you want to stay in the US sadly you are looking at LA, or NY both of which suck, and frankly LA is almost a ghost town now, unless you say try going games then you could look at Austin. I ended up moving from the US to Canada, as lots of jobs in Vancouver and Montreal
<xShadowx> Pap: taniwha/sarb still around a fair bit
<CobaltWolf> I'm from way upstate NY so if I can find a way to get to Toronto or Montreal I'd be happy. The culture is very similar to where I'm from
<Pap> I did know about taniwha
<Agathorn> Definitely work in Montreal
<CobaltWolf> Agathorn: know anyone there? :P
<Agathorn> I know my company, MPC, is understaffed by like 100 people :)
<Agathorn> CobaltWolf: what is your specialty? Or generalist?
<Agathorn> Montreal has huge tax breaks right now so a lot of work going there
<CobaltWolf> Well I do a lot but I'm mostly a compositor, modeler and texturer. I can animate but it's not my strong suit.
<CobaltWolf> I'm worried that my portfolio isn't good enough.
<Agathorn> it never is out of college
<CobaltWolf> yeah
<Agathorn> you have a reel online?
<CobaltWolf> I have actual good work for my senior project but it's not done yet.
<CobaltWolf> annnd here's what I've been working on this last week http://lobstersare.online/honu-prepare-to-die-edition-slick-week-5-ppj/
<regex> wow, what a cock
<Agathorn> I can pass this on to my network for you, but i'll be honest it could be stronger
<CobaltWolf> Agathorn: Yeah I know. Any advice?
<Agathorn> let me see if I can get some early feedback for you on what you might be able to do to improve it without too much work
<CobaltWolf> oh man I'd love that!
<Agathorn> First thing that jumps out at me though is your introl with the desk and the city, the city in the BG is very low res and sticks out
<Agathorn> Best advice I ever got was to only put your absolute best work on your reeel, even if that means your real is only 30 seconds long :)
<CobaltWolf> yeah I need to recut my reel with a better intro. I made that image freshman year and didn't come up with something better when I recut it.
<Agathorn> I haven't updated my reel in tears because I reallyd on't need to anymore
<regex> Ah, I was one off, I pictured you as "non standard haircut"
<CobaltWolf> I'll be able to replace most of what's in it after senior project is done
<Agathorn> I think this is my last reel: https://youtu.be/pXj541nFd8s
<CobaltWolf> jesus that's nice
<Agathorn> actually its pretty crap by my level today
<Agathorn> but i've moed so far into the technical side, that it doesn't make sense for me to do reels anymore
<CobaltWolf> wait
<CobaltWolf> jesus why is that one so old
<CobaltWolf> there
<CobaltWolf> so, we
<Agathorn> Here you go, CobaltWolf this is my reel out of school - so same level as you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Woo4fsWMRWg
<Agathorn> um no
<Agathorn> it isn't
<Agathorn> ok I thought it was
<CobaltWolf> we're really working hard on this and iterating a lot. I can claim primary compositor for this whole project, especially the more polished stuff
<CobaltWolf> do you think that would be good enough reel material?
<Agathorn> it will help to pick a direction, like compsiting if thats what you want
<Agathorn> thought whith what I see you could also consider more generalist environment work
<CobaltWolf> definitely compositing, Nuke in particular
<Agathorn> That's how I started :)
<CobaltWolf> And I've got a head for technical stuff - programming and scripting - I just haven't had a lot of opportunities to work with it
<Agathorn> I started out as a compositor but my technical skill quickly moved me into a more tech atist direction and then fully into td and software. Its actually more in demand than artists. Tons of atists out there
<Pap> Agathorn, CobaltWolf also has a strong meme game...if that helps
<Agathorn> but it has its downsides..more in demand, but I don't get to directly work on shots anymore
<CobaltWolf> Pap: pls no
<CobaltWolf> Agathorn: yeah... but it's still more or less what I want to do. But I'm not in a position to sell myself on it :/
<Agathorn> if it is something you want to do then you can easily move that way once you get going.. Just start writing nuke scripts that makes the show run better and you'll find yourself naturally moving that way :)
<Agathorn> but starting out as a compositor or an envronment artist works
<CobaltWolf> Agathorn: So would you actually be willing to pass my portfolio on once I manage to get it cleaned up?
<Agathorn> yeah
<CobaltWolf> <333
<Agathorn> hit me up on linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnvanderbeck/
<CobaltWolf> lol you're already a 3rd level connection
<Agathorn> Its a small industry when you really get down to it
<Agathorn> thats why its so important to never be a dick :)
<CobaltWolf> dammit how do I found out what connects us
<Agathorn> don't know but honestly if you have one contact anywhere in VFX you are pretty much 3rd level with everyone else :)
<CobaltWolf> yeah
<CobaltWolf> (is this what networking feels like?)
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<Pap> yes CobaltWolf and welcome to grown up world (it isn't fun!)
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<Starwaster> theysen what I hate is when I hear the witch-startle music and I hear her screaming and I wonder to myself, "Who is she chasing? I know it's not me because I turned my lights off and I was sneaky as fuck" and next thing I know she has me on the ground trying to use my abdomen as her own personal salsa bowl
<UmbralRaptor> Mmm… humans as chunky salsa…
<Theysen> hahah lol :D
<Theysen> exactly Starwaster, this thing is a true bitch
<Starwaster> UmbralRaptor: Not as pleasant as one might think!
<Theysen> RP-0 mid career is so easy once you get your finger on the titan II ..
<regex> ~heavy lifting~
<regex> The R-7 made it easy for me. 5 tons on orbit means a lot of things are possible.
<UmbralRaptor> Theysen: Large hyperbolic ICBM derivatives. As Glushko intended. :D
<CobaltWolf> yeah the couple times I playtested BDB I rush Titan 1 since I'm actually not a huge fan of Atlas (idk, Titan just looks cooler...) and it is basically necessary to have a 3m rocket for launching even the most basic pods or flyby probes
<regex> Atlas has a ... different look. Titan is a bona fide armageddon dildo
<CobaltWolf> dildogeddon
<Theysen> Titan II is just so straight forward
<Theysen> 2 stages, insane TWR, 4,5 minutes to orbit yolo
<Pap> I have used the E-1 almost exclusively in my current playthrough, it is OP as hell once you can cluster it as well. I have maxed out all Test Flight values
<CobaltWolf> E-1?
<CobaltWolf> what model does it use?
<Theysen> some thing by Ven's rescaled iirc
<Theysen> or even RO own
<CobaltWolf> hrmmph
<CobaltWolf> I'll have to see what I come up with once I also loot the J2 and H1 for meshes/textures
<CobaltWolf> trying to get away with not making anything new haha
<Starwaster> crap, RF removes resources at runtime doesnt it.
<Theysen> Starwaster, on a different RF note in RO, any idea why the utilization slider feels so laggy? It's like bad input lag
<Agathorn> IIRC I added the E-1 because I wanted to use it :)
<Pap> Agathorn, it was a great addition!
<Agathorn> or I might be remembering wrong
<Theysen> Starwaster, disregard, it's every GUI slider not RF only
<Pap> For a contract to resupply the Life Support on the Space Station...what resources should be resupplied?
<Starwaster> theysen check for log spam when you're moving the sliders
<Starwaster> so, who should play Jeb in the movie?
<Agathorn> Pap: yep just checked, I was the one that added the E-1 because it filled a timeline hole that I wanted to fill, and it was a real proposed engine with stats available
<Pap> well Agathorn I am glad that you did!
<Agathorn> :)
<Agathorn> I used the crap out of that engine in my last playthrough
<Theysen> yeah I remember that Agathorn :)
<Theysen> Starwaster, yes
<Pap> I am going to see if I can use it exclusively as my launch vehicle engine, try to play without paying for something new until I absolutely have to
<Starwaster> yes what
<Theysen> Starwaster, no spam or exceptions being output
<Starwaster> I have no idea then. I don't have GUI slider lag
<Pap> Starwaster, a young Kurt Russell
<Starwaster> where are you going to get one of those?
<gazpachian> cloning vats?
<Pap> Maybe one of the Chris's? Pine, Pratt, etc
<gazpachian> splice up his genes with some plant or whatever and you'll save money on makeup.
<Pap> yes, like in Old Man's War
<CobaltWolf> @Pap @Agathorn well hopefully soon you'll have a relatively accurate model for it as well
<Pap> Sweet, is Frizzank coming back to make it @CobaltWolf ?
<Pap> I kid, I kid
<Theysen> saweet, the Ranger 1 Block Core seems to have lost its inbuilt antenna in 1.2.2... rip buddy
<Theysen> the amount of male genitals I designed as rockets is absurdly high.. stupid proc fairings
<acc> that's modern. look at space-x
<regex> New Sheperd yo.
<Pap> Is there any reason that I should include a contract to have humans orbit Venus or Mars? Or are flybys enough with a Mars Landing as well?
<Starwaster> Crisp Rat?
<Agathorn> I'd like to see orbitals
<acc> make a contract, I won't pay for the trip :>
<Agathorn> of Mars at least
<gazpachian> One thing I'd like to see is Mars landings with fly-by rendesvouz, with surface stays of up to 30 days
<gazpachian> lower cost, so lower payout than long duration missions, but still something considered irl
<Pap> gazpachian, flyby rendezvous like in The Martian?
<Theysen> prepare for a new F9 key if you want to actually nail it casually
<gazpachian> well, not necessarily using electric propulsion, but basically yeah
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<Pap> Wow, that is crazy
<Pap> lol Theysen
<Pap> o/ leudaimon
<leudaimon> o/ Pap!
<gazpachian> pfft, I just abuse KSPTOT a lot instead
<Pap> gazpachian, I have just dabbled with KSPTOT, most I am going to attempt with that is to do gravity assists
<Theysen> gazpachian, I'm more about launching at that right split second to rendezvous with something on interplanet speed
<Theysen> KSPTOT is great
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<Pap> Theysen, I think the best bet is to get into LMO for a day or so and then plan the burn, no?
<Theysen> Ah I was in Martian mode :D
<Pap> With your eyes closed and a hope and a prayer
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<Theysen> so you want to get into orbit and then accelerate to escape velocity for the incoming mothership?
<Theysen> are those actual big enough savings over orbit entry?
* xShadowx eats chinese and returns to see 3 kerbals died due to no air
* xShadowx decides the chinese was worth it
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<acc> heh
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<Agathorn> !tell CobaltWolf So my lead took a look at your reel and provided some great feedback. I can email it to you raw if you want to PM me your email, or we can just talk about it next time you are on, just ping me
<Qboid> Agathorn: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<Starwaster> xxshadowx so feeding your face was more important than the lives of three brave Kerbals?
<Starwaster> So after almost a year I'm about to bring back Ioncross and I've been mulling over adding thermals to it... if Kerbals get too hot then they can die. So far so good. What about if they get too cold?
<Starwaster> I was thinking maybe they die of hypothermia but then I thought, what if Kerbals are actually like molerats?
<Starwaster> molerats can survive with shockingly low levels of oxygen
<xShadowx> Starwaster: you just dont understand, the chinese was nomz
<Starwaster> they basically switch to sucrose, like plants (oh oh... Kerbals are plants controversy revived!)
<Starwaster> except that uh crap
<Starwaster> I ruined my own point because it was about hypothermia and not oxygen
<Starwaster> uhm back to the drawing board
<Starwaster> xshadowx, Didn't you hear them screaming your name in supplication?
<Starwaster> xshadowx, save us! OMG WE CANT BREEATHEEEE!
<Starwaster> Jeb tried in vain to keep their spirits up telling them, Don't worry! xshadowx will save you! He's coming with lots of air!
<Starwaster> now if it had been blood orange sorbet then I'd say screw 'em, let them suffocate!
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<xShadowx> Starwaster: thats what my kerbals get for believing in a greater being ;p
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<Agathorn> which you obviously aren't
<Pap> New Space Station and Human Exploration contracts added!
<Pap> RP-0#653
<Qboid> [#653] title: Contract Rebuild | Here is a Rebuild of the Cotnract System. More details forthcoming... | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/issues/653
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<Starwaster> pap what are the station contracts?
<Starwaster> oh is that a tlink to them?
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<Agathorn> wonder how hard it would be to figure out the math to deform unity terrain to the surface of a planet sphere
* xShadowx pokes Agathorn with Kerbal Terrain Mod
<Agathorn> ksp terrain isn't unity terrain
<Agathorn> KSP uses a dynamic quad decimation thingabob
<Agathorn> though I guess the math for spherizing it would be similiar
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<CobaltWolf> o/
<Qboid> CobaltWolf: Agathorn left a message for you in #RO [10.05.2017 21:01:25]: "So my lead took a look at your reel and provided some great feedback. I can email it to you raw if you want to PM me your email, or we can just talk about it next time you are on, just ping me"
<CobaltWolf> k
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<CobaltWolf> Shit I'm back
<CobaltWolf> @Agathorn did you message me anything else?
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<xShadowx> not in this chan :|
<CobaltWolf> aight
<soundnfury> CobaltWolf: reel? Are you fishing, or dancing? ;)
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<Starwaster> what was the thrust on the LES jettison motor?
<CobaltWolf> soundnfury: reel as in film
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<soundnfury> CobaltWolf: I guessed as much. But that's not nearly as funny.
<CobaltWolf> :P
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